Anonymous ID: 176421 Feb. 4, 2019, 6:48 a.m. No.5024908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4917

Trump is Right: The US Intelligence Community Needs to ‘Go Back to School’


The president, in typical fashion, lashed out, criticizing the intelligence community’s collective analysis, which predictably elicited criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. They accused him of undermining public confidence in the pronouncements of the intelligence agencies and damaging national security.


In this case, Trump is right and his detractors are wrong.


The current crop of national intelligence chiefs are cut from the same cloth as their predecessors. They are careerists who have risen to the top not through their analytical or operational talents, but through their willingness to conform to a system that is designed not to challenge conventional thinking—especially when such thinking sustains policies that have been given the imprimatur of the entrenched establishment.


Rare is the politician who is well enough versed in the minutia of history and foreign affairs to generate original thinking—or bold enough to challenge the status quo on the grounds that it isn’t working.


Among those who challenge the status quo is Donald Trump, a political maverick who, rightly or wrongly, has sought to challenge the conventional dogma in ways no previous politician ever has


There is no better illustration of the intellectual corruption of the intelligence community than its performance in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Anonymous ID: 176421 Feb. 4, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.5024936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australians Evacuated as 'Unprecedented' Flood Hits Queensland (PHOTO, VIDEO)


Australia's emergency services are grappling with a disastrous flood caused by torrential monsoon rain in Queensland; up to 500 homes in Townsville are now underwater after authorities decided to open the gates of the Ross River Dam, reports.


At least 200,000 people were affected by the flood and up to 500 homes in Australian Townsville are now underwater due to dangerous "unprecedented" flooding that affects Queensland, according to the Australian media.


Extreme Rainfall in Australia Forces Evacuations, Could Flood 20,000 Homes

— Ir (@Irmerem22) 4 февраля 2019 г.

Anonymous ID: 176421 Feb. 4, 2019, 7 a.m. No.5024983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5395


How can Trump trust any of them when most of then belong to the CFR


Dan Coats, member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, discusses how U.S. foreign policy objectives are affected by the federal budget and ongoing debt concerns.

Anonymous ID: 176421 Feb. 4, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.5025033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5091 >>5095 >>5210 >>5502

Wow! Far Left Hacks at Washington Post SPIKED Sexual Assault Charges Against Virginia Lt. Gov. Fairfax …A Democrat


** The Washington Post ran unsubstantiated 30-year-old child sexual assault charges against Judge Roy Moore in Alabama in 2017.

** The Washington Post ran unsubstantiated 34-year-old sexual assault charges against Judge Bret Kavanaugh that were refuted by EVERY potential witness in 2018.


But last year the Washington Post SPIKED 15-year-old sexual assault charges against Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax.

Anonymous ID: 176421 Feb. 4, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.5025536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The mayors of the worst cities in America want to run America. Their cities have been rated as the worst places to live. Do Americans really want the country to be more like Tallahassee, South Bend or Newark?


The Worst Mayors in America are Running for President


Newark is the most dangerous city in New Jersey, Tallahassee is the most dangerous city in Florida, and South Bend is the most dangerous city in Indiana. But instead of fixing their failed cities, the current mayor of South Bend, and the former mayors of Newark and Tallahassee want to run for president.


Mayor Peter Buttigieg has announced that he’s forming an exploratory committee for a 2020 run. Media reports have focused on the possibility that he might become America’s first gay millennial president, instead of on the fact that he’s headed a city since 2011 which has double the national and statewide violent crime rates. And a city where Hispanic poverty rates are 10% higher than the national average, African-American households have double the poverty rate, and Asian-American incomes are halved.