post images not text ffs
have you tried pointing to things in the sky
only to have the person you are speaking with
deny what you are seeing?
I figured it out.
They have piss-poor regular eyesight, they either don't know it, or knowing it are embarrassed.
Do you have 20/14 eyesight? or better?
The next time you point at the sky or someone a couple of miles away and they don't see anything…they literally do not. They wont admit it though, they just get all defensive.
You cannot expect folks with worse than 20/20 to be able to tell the difference between a chemtrail or a contrail when the truth is they cant see fuck all anyway.
Why are you here?
bargain hunting
Hayden is a bad man anon.
You think an attempt was made on FLOTUS in Scotland? That would be two then, I have an attempt to take her out by fire whilst flying.
Never forget Remagen either.