Dick Morrihttps://www.westernjournal.com/dick-morris-clintons-made-money-huawei/?
utm_medium=referral&utm_source=mixi&utm_campaign=westernjournals: How the Clintons Made Money from Huawei
Dick Morrihttps://www.westernjournal.com/dick-morris-clintons-made-money-huawei/?
utm_medium=referral&utm_source=mixi&utm_campaign=westernjournals: How the Clintons Made Money from Huawei
i am really struck by the clinton ties to the Huawei official being held in canada for extradition back to US AND by mcAuliffe getting financing to buy a chinese car company for Hillarys brother Tony Rodham (Gulf Coast Funds Management) and Gulf Coast (Rodham) helps Huawei officials get previously denied Visas. Denied by FBI because of Huawei ties to chinese military? AND Huawei helps Sadam Hussein, the taliban, helping Iran get around US sactions??