Navy arms unmanned attack drone boats with weapons, guns and missiles
The U.S. Navy is beginning to arm surface drone boats with guns, rockets and mobile missiles to overwhelm enemies with swarming attacks, protect sailors at farther stand-off ranges and coordinate maritime strikes across dispersed areas of ocean.
The concept is to call upon newer levels of autonomy enabling weapons systems to search for enemies, track their movements and then target them – all while humans perform command and control at safer ranges.
“We will be incorporating direct and indirect fire. We will be participating in a force protection exercise for the US Navy,” Wayne Prender, Senior Vice President of Applied Technology and Advanced Programs, Textron Systems, told Warrior Maven in an interview.
The testing and demonstrations are evolving through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement between Textron and the Navy, intended to explore, prototype and ultimately deploy the armed Unmanned Surface Vehicles.
Arming USVs fits within the scope of broader Navy strategies focused on leveraging the latest advances in autonomy and artificial intelligence.
“We want to be able to adapt and upgrade platforms to integrate technology as it develops. This prevents getting the sensors, payloads and platforms too intertwined so that when we do make breakthroughs in machine learning and AI, we will be able to incorporate them into a while portfolio of platforms and systems,” Capt. Pete Small, Program Executive Officer, said at the Surface Naval Association.