Found this little interesting write up: on MKUltra Color Coding…
Person talks in a we format seeming to have alter personalties they are aware of… and make note of the description for PURPLE. Hillary fits this and she wore PURPLE and its the PURPLE Revolution.
author: source unknown
Colors. Lots of people have them but lots of people don't know that they have them. Often, people see a certain color when they"see" a certain alter. Sometimes their alters are in a certain colored room inside, sometimes they wear only certain colors of clothes.
Programmers use colors cuz that's what we kids know best. When we was real little we knew colors before we knew numbers, how to read words, etc. When they talked colors, we knew what they was talking about. Me, I'm pink. I'm Sarah. "Different groups will use color programming in different ways There are certain generalities , true to all, but as programming methods became more sophisticated, with different trainers in different regions trying new ideas, there will be individually variance.
Color programming was originally developed for a simple reason: cult trainers like other individuals, are basically lazy. At they learned to create larger systems and subsystems in people with progression, of training techniques they needed a way to quickly organize and access a person's system. Colors was developed, in the late 1950's. It was developed, because even the youngest child, normally, can recognize colors, and they wanted the organization to begin early, during preschool years, when system templates or core splits were being formed. A three year-old can recognize colors before the can read." When they program with colors, they create peoples like us but give each a color so that we know what our job is and who inside is our friends and who is not. Also, when they (outside people) want us to do something, they know which color of people to call out to do that job. Color programming is usually one of the first programming to be done and therefore is done all over the world and starts at a very young age. This also allows any cult around the world who may not know any of your people by name to call up a certain group or color to do a certain job, with few problems and few surprises. "This is an example of how color programming is done: A child is taken into a training room. The room it self maybe be neutral: white or beige, or it may be painted for the color being used. If the room is neutral in color, the trainer will use colored lights to create the impression of the color being used, they will use the lights even in the colored room.
Here we will use blue for an example: Everything is blue, trainers dressed in blue and may even wear blue make-up, The child is dressed in blue, or is naked, and will later earn the "right" to be blue and wear blue clothing. During the session/training, the alter or system template is called up, and told to be up during the session. They are told that they are "blue", that this is a very important, special color, and that they are the people in the system are "Blue."
Under a drug induced trance or hypnosis, this is reinforced. The child may be shown a picture of a blue circle or triangle on a projector, or with a helmet on (virtual reality type). The child maybe be shocked first, then told that they are blue, and that blue "doesn't get hurt". If the are blue they won't experience pain, etc. The child quickly decides that being "blue" is a good idea, and the alter is "imprinted" blue. The child is asked to close their eye, and imagine blue, that they are blue, and that all parts of their system are blue.
This goes on and on, and is reinforced over several sessions. This is a basic, simplistic method of how color imprinting can be done.
Later groups of children may be brought together, wearing different colors, and role playing is done, showing the different roles. Later, once the initial imprinting is done, alters are taught specialized roles for their color. This is done so they can be easily accessed that part of the child's (and later adult's) systems. All they need to do is call up the colors, then talk to the parts in that system that they need to.