Anonymous ID: ab5a4f Feb. 4, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.5026070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6086



Found this little interesting write up: on MKUltra Color Coding…

Person talks in a we format seeming to have alter personalties they are aware of… and make note of the description for PURPLE. Hillary fits this and she wore PURPLE and its the PURPLE Revolution.




author: source unknown


Colors. Lots of people have them but lots of people don't know that they have them. Often, people see a certain color when they"see" a certain alter. Sometimes their alters are in a certain colored room inside, sometimes they wear only certain colors of clothes.


Programmers use colors cuz that's what we kids know best. When we was real little we knew colors before we knew numbers, how to read words, etc. When they talked colors, we knew what they was talking about. Me, I'm pink. I'm Sarah. "Different groups will use color programming in different ways There are certain generalities , true to all, but as programming methods became more sophisticated, with different trainers in different regions trying new ideas, there will be individually variance.

Color programming was originally developed for a simple reason: cult trainers like other individuals, are basically lazy. At they learned to create larger systems and subsystems in people with progression, of training techniques they needed a way to quickly organize and access a person's system. Colors was developed, in the late 1950's. It was developed, because even the youngest child, normally, can recognize colors, and they wanted the organization to begin early, during preschool years, when system templates or core splits were being formed. A three year-old can recognize colors before the can read." When they program with colors, they create peoples like us but give each a color so that we know what our job is and who inside is our friends and who is not. Also, when they (outside people) want us to do something, they know which color of people to call out to do that job. Color programming is usually one of the first programming to be done and therefore is done all over the world and starts at a very young age. This also allows any cult around the world who may not know any of your people by name to call up a certain group or color to do a certain job, with few problems and few surprises. "This is an example of how color programming is done: A child is taken into a training room. The room it self maybe be neutral: white or beige, or it may be painted for the color being used. If the room is neutral in color, the trainer will use colored lights to create the impression of the color being used, they will use the lights even in the colored room.


Here we will use blue for an example: Everything is blue, trainers dressed in blue and may even wear blue make-up, The child is dressed in blue, or is naked, and will later earn the "right" to be blue and wear blue clothing. During the session/training, the alter or system template is called up, and told to be up during the session. They are told that they are "blue", that this is a very important, special color, and that they are the people in the system are "Blue."


Under a drug induced trance or hypnosis, this is reinforced. The child may be shown a picture of a blue circle or triangle on a projector, or with a helmet on (virtual reality type). The child maybe be shocked first, then told that they are blue, and that blue "doesn't get hurt". If the are blue they won't experience pain, etc. The child quickly decides that being "blue" is a good idea, and the alter is "imprinted" blue. The child is asked to close their eye, and imagine blue, that they are blue, and that all parts of their system are blue.


This goes on and on, and is reinforced over several sessions. This is a basic, simplistic method of how color imprinting can be done.


Later groups of children may be brought together, wearing different colors, and role playing is done, showing the different roles. Later, once the initial imprinting is done, alters are taught specialized roles for their color. This is done so they can be easily accessed that part of the child's (and later adult's) systems. All they need to do is call up the colors, then talk to the parts in that system that they need to.

Anonymous ID: ab5a4f Feb. 4, 2019, 9:10 a.m. No.5026086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6100 >>6115




It's a simple way to organize a person's groups within. It also strengthens identification with other programming. It can also help with reaccessing the person's system. They are taught if the trainer wears a certain color this system comes forward. If the group/cult wants to recontact a person, they may send someone wearing a certain color, or accidentally "bump into the person." I have found after talking to many many people that colors tend to mean the same thing around the world. This sounds foolish, if you ask me. Actually, sounds stupid for the so-called illuminated ones to not have a clue as to how easy it would be to figure out color systems from one survivor to the next if they were all the same as Jane Doe's down the street. I guess their main concern was that the programming would be interchangeable and accessible around the world.


Anyhow, here is what I know about the specific colors:


Pink: we are the little ones, innocent, what we were like before they did bad things to us. we like teddy bears, we cry a lot and we want our mommy and daddy cuz they were nice to us. they are not as bad as others in here thinks. we are shy and like to play but nobody wants to play with us cuz the body is big and we got to act like big peoples.


Red: We are the ones that those bastards raped and did all of their sexual crap to. We were taught to be a witch. They (the blacks) made us think that we were superior and that we were in control, but found out later that those SOBs tricked us just so that they could get off on us.

"Red: is often linked to alpha programming; these are often they most easily accessed alters in a person's system, including lots of eager to please littles. Also, sexual programming/prostitution may be places here. Historically, the cult has linked the color with sexual abuse and sexual ceremonies."

Anonymous ID: ab5a4f Feb. 4, 2019, 9:11 a.m. No.5026100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6103




Black: We are the ones that perform lots of the rituals. We know details about the Illuminati. We are the boss. We do what Satan wants us to do because if we don't then we have to feel the pain instead of sending it on down to the other colors. We don't feel unless it's a punishment. We take our orders from the purples.

"Black: theta may be this color. Represents negative/cult spiritually; highly programmed alters who participate in cult rituals are often black; internal witches/warlocks."


Purple: We don't have much to say to the insignificant bunch of nothings that exist in this body. We are ALWAYS in control and are basically invisible to the rest, besides blacks, and even they don't know who we are. We are superior. We are the mafia connection, the drug dealers, the politicians. We ARE superior. We got here through lots of pain, but you can't prove that to us because we don't believe it because we are too high up to experience this. WE are the Illuminated ones. We only take our orders from the council members inside. The GOLD council. One of us is on the Gold Council. We give orders throughout the system when nobody even realizes that we've given an order. We tell the body if they need to cut or die. It won't hurt us. They deserve it. If the body dies, we won't because we are far superior to those below us, therefore, are not part of them. We will live on, or that is what we were taught. We are learning different though.

"Purple: higher cult alters inside, my represent high priest, priestess; high family alters inside."


Blue: We protect. Some of us (light blues) protect the body and are on the light side (sorry if the use of "light" upsets anyone, that's just how we know each other inside). The dark blues tend to protect the cult.

"Blue: protective; may be linked to beta in some people. These are they aggressive protectors in a system, the tough guys that know how to fight. Military programming may also go here, in some individuals."


Orange: WARNING! We give out the warning when something bad is about to happen, such as being accessed, recognizing a perp, systems inside being flipped or spun, etc. Some of us work for the body and some of us work for the cult.

"Orange: protective/defensive against outside or internal access. MKUltra, delta, and other intense programming sequences may be this color."


Yellow:We are spiritual and for us we believe in the True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We help send the light angels to help in certain situations and remind the body that Jesus is here to help us. We get a lot of heat from the blacks, purples, reds, and those who are mad that God didn't do anything to help.

"Yellow:often represents spirituality/positive messages. The cult realizes that to much theta/black can destroy, and in order not to lose their members to suicide, will put in lifesaving or positive messages, and allow some positive spiritually."


Green: We were the ones that represent the family, generations, etc. We also have been the ones to get most of the pain and abuse that happened at home. Cult crap that was carried on in the home. All of our family members inside have at least one green representation here. This is where access by family members takes place because some of us are still loyal to our families.

"Green: cult loyal. Green is traditional color for "family", and intensely loyal alters may see themselves as this color. Cult loyal protectors, trained to protect another higher cult member, may also be this color. Recontact alters may also be in this group."

Anonymous ID: ab5a4f Feb. 4, 2019, 9:12 a.m. No.5026103   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Clear: Like a shell. Other colors can wear our body so we become whatever color the cult/programming wants us to. A very dangerous color to be since anyone can step in and take control.Brown: Ones in disguise, that's all.


"Brown: this can represent hidden, incognito alters, who can appear to be different colors. Epsilon and CIA programming may be this color; hidden operatives and "spies."


Silver: We are the spiritual bodies. The ones who know the paranormal. We can astralproject, communicate with other people's silvers, etc.

"Silver: controlling alters: high internal councils my wear this color."


Gold: We talk mostly to the purples. Until the higher systems (platinum) are reached, we are in control. Our main job is to make sure that nobody reaches the platinums or the Seven Seals inside. We are doomed if we do that. We will get the pain and the torture if we don't do our jobs. We are the organizers, the administrators, the judges, the boss. We are the perfectionists because if it isn't done perfectly, we are the ones to suffer. We are learning that we are the ones who have been hurt the worst (besides platinums but they don't think they were hurt either). We are at the top of the pyramid unless we decide to flip it. The Eye is part of us too.


White: We are the ones who are in denial and think we are suffering from FMS. We are the ones who, in the beginning, led the every-day-lives . The body would not have survived if they knew and believed all of the things that happened. We can be dangerous when we think that we must die because we are so bad of a person for making such horrible things up about our family. We think we deserve to die.

"White: can represent goodness, wholeness; but may also represent highest spiritual alters inside."


Platinum: The ultimate. NO ONE is more superior than we. We remain hidden until you find us, then beware. Things will never be the same. You must die before you can see the Seals. X found us, though, and helped us to see how we were hurt and how we,even WE, were tricked. Some of us still do not believe this though. Some of us stepped aside and let her (X) get to the Seals. Ouch! Almost didn't make it,still might not because that's where she's stuck. Not all of the Illuminated ones have Platinum. This must be earned generationally. Lots of power and control here.


I am sure I forgot some colors, but I need to stop cuz the little ones are a scared. We will probably pay for this, but maybe not. We want the WHOLE world to know what we know in case it might help just one person.


Another thing, why we are alive is because they know that we know and that we have told lots of people their names, addresses, and people in THEIR heads, so if something happens to us it will be major chaos. Plus we are not afraid of dying and they know that too. Dying, most of us would really like to and would welcome it in a moment. Peace. We hope this helps.


© copyright 1995 – all of us Revised October 14, 1997

Anonymous ID: ab5a4f Feb. 4, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.5026151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6178 >>6217


I don't know. I have childhood memories I cannot explain or that others don't remember but I do… and I have blocked out things. but my memories are of space ships, being in them and being trained to fly them. WEIRD yes. but that is what I dream all the time, vivid memories of that. but I also live fairly close to Area 51 and Roswell as a child so I do not know. but do have strange memories I never really talk about.

Anonymous ID: ab5a4f Feb. 4, 2019, 9:25 a.m. No.5026234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6254 >>6263


Absolutely was raised in church, and always had a very religious family… my memories don't involve my family.. they are foreign yet one does involve my family dr.. a hospital and and being drugged and possibly raped when I was 5 or 6… as I did ask my mom why I had an operation and she did not know what I was talking about. and we were at the hospital I just don't know and it was a vague memory…


But God is all I have


and I remember seeing Jesus all the time as a child. I lived on a farm, very isolated, just me and my sister. those are my happiest memories now. but other friends who lived on surrounding farms also had UFO experiences and memories. we barely talked about them but they did come up a few times in conversation but you just sound crazy when you talk about it. so we really never did mention it past a quick strange story or two.

Anonymous ID: ab5a4f Feb. 4, 2019, 9:38 a.m. No.5026348   🗄️.is 🔗kun


off and on all day and night because I haven't left here (Q) since 10/27/17.


The color stuff I posted was not of my writing. That is from something I found on a search I was doing based on Color theory… and the colors the Democrats use in their campaigning which is a Cyan Blue and Yellow… they never use the colors of Patriotism anymore, they use child like primary colors.


that was the main purpose of my looking into psychology and color theory. then I found this writing on the MK Ultra color training. I see this on the YouTube videos from Elsa Gate and have seen them because unknowingly (until Pizzagate) we had a grandchild watching these and I watched a few and I see that they program them via color and different scenarios on 3-5 year olds who watch these, not to mention the videos were trafficking kids (in the comments) just look up ElsaGate and you can see the information that was put together on this.

Anonymous ID: ab5a4f Feb. 4, 2019, 9:46 a.m. No.5026403   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know anon. but for some of us these are not pleasant memories they involve torture and other horrific things… so you can laugh and you can make fun. but there are THOUSANDS who have suffered at the hands of evil… so feel free to make fun of what your brain cannot comprehend. what may be aliens are really demons but whatever they were, or are, what was done was nothing fun. I only remember being scared and angry and wanting to kill them with every ounce of my being but having zero ability to move or do any harm to them.