Anonymous ID: f24612 Feb. 4, 2019, 8:48 a.m. No.5025841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6029 >>6087 >>6154


Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

The DTCC Is The Control Pyramid


$1.7 Qaudrillion ($1,700,000,000,000,000.oo) Thats a LOT of zero's!


How Much Money Are We Talking About?

If $1 = .0034″ Thick, Then:

$1,000 is 1/3″ High

$1 Mil is 27′ High

$1 Bil is 5 Miles High

$1 Tril is 5,178 Miles High

$1 Quad is 5,178,000 Miles High


Through its subsidiaries, the DTCC owns the majority of all private, public, civil and commercial financial and real assets in the Country. The DTCC therefore EFFECTIVELY owns and, in ACTUAL REALITY controls Wall Street.


Major Players

U.S. Congress

Federal Reserve

Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

Securities & Exchange Commission

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

Depository Trust Company – (SRO)

Fixed Income Clearing Corporation – (SRO)

Mortgage Backed Securities Clearing Corporation

Cede & Co. As The Self Regulating Organization and Nominee for DTC

Euroclear: Formed by JP Morgan through its Brussels Morgan Guaranty Office

Clearstream: DTC Cohort and Collaborator in Europe



  1. The Golden Rule: He who owns the gold makes the rules and has the control.

  2. Through its subsidiaries, the DTCC owns the majority of all private, public, civil and commercial financial and real assets in the Country.

  3. The DTCC therefore EFFECTIVELY owns and, in ACTUAL REALITY controls Wall Street.

  4. Since the DTCC, through its subsidiary the Depository Trust Company, is the largest controlling Member of the Federal Reserve, the DTCC controls the Federal Reserve.

  5. The Federal Reserve controls the Federal Government by controlling its access to the funds LOANED to the Federal Government every single time the Federal Government needs so much as a single dollar.

  6. These funds are LOANED to the Federal Government by the PRIVATE Federal Reserve.

  7. The Federal Government must collateralize this debt, through its citizens, and pay the interest on these LOANED funds to the PRIVATE and DTCC controlled Federal Reserve.

  8. This is why income taxes paid by Americans are paid to the Federal Reserve to service ONLY A PORTION of the interest on the debt owed by the Federal Government to the PRIVATE Federal Reserve.

  9. Income taxes paid by Americans is insufficient to pay 100% of the annual interest charged on the principle debt owed by the Federal Government to the Federal Reserve.

  10. The principle debt owed by the Federal Government to the PRIVATE Federal Reserve is not serviced or reduced by income taxes paid by Americans.

  11. The integrity of America and what is supposed to be an open free capitalistic financial market has been decimated by the DTCC controlled Federal Reserve and the financial stranglehold it has on the Federal Government.

  12. The breathtaking reality is that the Federal Government gave its blessing voluntarily and legislatively to the Federal Reserve to place this stranglehold on America and its citizens.


  1. Don't look HERE! Look at Freddie, Jews, TIT'S or GTFO! (((THEY))) are where we need to DIG!