there is probably more to Syria than we really know… but hairy eyeballs on it for sure
captcha YIKES pic related
at one time, the most watched news shows were CNN and BBC. Plus AlJazeera went National as well. then we have AP and Reuters as well as Bloomberg. all regurgitate the exact same news. all news can pretty much be controlled and Gannett is the controller and most of these News Media types (right?) that i mention have headquarters in other parts of the world. is this for them?
KEK, not that fat lol and i don't have cankles or smell like i died nor wear depends but that was totally weird that was my captcha when speaking of Syria. A little weird, no?
link to pic where he takes photo of her shirt down… which for that time period was a little risqué. she is a child so she has no breasts but still…it was said he had an unsual obsession with her.