She's dead af nigga. Can't be on the list if you're a ghost.
That's the photo I had in mind when some anon was sucking Matt's cock while shilling. Not fucking way I'm trusting a freemason bitch boi.
Keep sitting and waiting anon. You're doing exactly what Q needs you to do.
I rest my case faggot.
<still using a banking system owed by the cabal
You deserve to lose money. All this "truth" being uncovered and the masses STILL do NOTHING. Waiting on jesus. Kek. The same G-ZEUS that was crucified at the age of 33
Holy fuck.
No shit. Petraeus literally told you faggot.
Don't tell the sheep anon. They're still waiting on cue to drop mounds of shit on their face and tell 'em it's "intel"
Islam = Christianity = Catholicism
Two sides, same fucking shekel.
Yet boomers want to wage war for the same person.
>She likes to mirror things too.
Think mirror huh?
As in one side is the same as the other
Two sides, same coin
Pepsi = Coke
Apple = Samsung
Repub = Dem
Jesus = Satan
There's ONE group that believes in that as left is right or as above so below. Hmmm, I wonder who.
And still no change. Kek. We got played.
We're we snookered into thinking the "meeting(s)" already happened? What the fuck are we waiting for?
KYS right now then, faggot
Let's keep this masonic fagbashing going. They don't see do like that.
Fucking simple. Why? Because you're paying the toll booth for roads your taxes paid for. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. FFS.