Anonymous ID: 93455f Feb. 4, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.5029641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9981 >>0136 >>0226

US Ready to Build Portion of Texas Border Wall


The U.S. government is preparing to begin construction of more border walls and fencing in South Texas' Rio Grande Valley, likely on federally owned land set aside as wildlife refuge property.


Heavy construction equipment was expected to arrive starting Monday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said. A photo posted by the nonprofit National Butterfly Center shows an excavator parked next to its property.


Congress last March approved more than $600 million for 33 miles (53 kilometers) of new barriers in the Rio Grande Valley. While President Donald Trump and top Democrats remain in a standoff over Trump's demand for $5.7 billion in border wall funding, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has pushed ahead with building what's already funded.

Anonymous ID: 93455f Feb. 4, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.5029676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats push to revive Obama-era aid to illegal immigrants in border talks


House Democrats are pushing hard to revive an Obama-era program that would keep illegal immigrant families out of detention and instead give them housing, transportation, healthcare, and legal aid to help them claim asylum in the U.S.


President Trump ended the Family Case Management Program in June 2017, citing excessive costs and the low rate of enrolled families returning to their home countries.


House Democrats want to bring it back to life in some form as part of an effort to reduce the detention of illegal immigrants and instead release them in the United States with some supervision. And they are hoping to negotiate that change in the ongoing border security talks between the two parties.


Specifically, Democrats want $30.5 million added to the family case management budget within the Department of Homeland Security. They also hope family detentions can be phased out this year.


Democrats are hoping to secure the funding in the ongoing talks between 17 House and Senate lawmakers who are trying to hammer out a broad border security agreement by Feb. 15.

Anonymous ID: 93455f Feb. 4, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.5029847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9906 >>0259



There are several flaws with the theory that Christianity isn’t unique. New Testament scholars Ed Komoszewski, James Sawyer, and Dan Wallace point out several fallacies. The first is the composite fallacy. Proponents of this view lump together pagan religions as if they are one religion when making comparisons to Christianity. An attempt is made to show strong parallels by combining features from various religions. However, when the individual myths themselves are studied, the reader soon finds major differences and very little commonality.


A second fallacy is a fallacy of terminology. Christian terms are used to describe pagan beliefs, and then it is concluded that there are parallel origins and meanings. Although the terms used are the same, however, there are big differences between Christian and pagan practices and definitions.


A third fallacy is the chronological fallacy. Supporters of the theory incorrectly assume that Christianity borrowed many of its ideas from the mystery religions, but the evidence reveals it was actually the other way around. There is no archaeological evidence that mystery religions were in Palestine in the first century A.D. Jews and early Christians loathed syncretism with other religions. They were uncompromisingly monotheistic while Greeks were polytheistic. Christians also strongly defended the uniqueness of Christ (Acts 4:12). Although Christians encountered pagan religions, they opposed any adopting of foreign beliefs.{6} Ron Nash stated, “The uncompromising monotheism and the exclusiveness that the early church preached and practiced make the possibility of any pagan inroads . . . unlikely if not impossible.”


Fourth is the intentional fallacy. Christianity has a linear view of history. History is moving in a purposeful direction. There is a purpose for mankind’s existence; history is moving in a direction to fulfill God’s plan for the ages. The mystery religions have a cyclical view of history. History continues in a never ending cycle or repetition often linked with the vegetation cycle.


Christianity gains its source from Judaism, not Greek mythology. Jesus, Paul, and the apostles appeal to the Old Testament, and you find direct teachings and fulfillments in the New Testament. Teachings such as one God, blood atonement for sin, salvation by grace, sinfulness of mankind, bodily resurrection, are sourced in Judaism and foreign to Greek mythology. The idea of resurrection was not taught in any Greek mythological work prior to the late second century A.D.

Anonymous ID: 93455f Feb. 4, 2019, 3:24 p.m. No.5029980   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why no one really quits Google or Facebook


Another week, another set of scandals at Facebook and Google. This past week, my colleagues reported that Facebook and Google had abused Apple enterprise developer certificates in order to distribute info-scraping research apps, at times from underage users in the case of Facebook. Apple responded by cutting off both companies from developer accounts, before shortly restoring them.


The media went into overdrive over the scandals, as predictable as the companies’ statements that they truly care about users and their privacy. But will anything change?


I think we know the answer to this question: no. And it is never going to change because the vast majority of users just don’t care one iota about privacy or these scandals.

Anonymous ID: 93455f Feb. 4, 2019, 3:28 p.m. No.5030035   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Northam’s Nightmare is a Perfect Example of Google’s Collusion with Mainstream Media


At what point does the First Amendment yield to the whims of a private company operating in the United States?



There have been no shortage of concerns in our great nation that our right to free speech is disappearing before our very eyes.


The First Amendment is a beautiful, undeniably grand idea. It has preserved our very way of life here in America for well over 200 years by allowing every man and women in this nation to speak out against the injustices they perceive in their every day lives, and to bring that attention to the highest levels of authority when necessary.


We fight for freedom, truth, and the pursuit of happiness every single day using the First Amendment, and we would hope that this trend continues for time immemorial.

Anonymous ID: 93455f Feb. 4, 2019, 3:38 p.m. No.5030151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Is It That Those Who Expose “Deep State” Actors End Up Meeting An Untimely, Convenient, Demise?


IF there was little else to occupy these hands, still, there would never be enough time to document the trail of dead bodies that have been silenced by the “Deep State.” An endless task. Depressing. But, as always, those atop the criminal pyramid don’t dirty their hands. Yes, they give the orders, albeit, they subcontract out this one and that one for assassination. Hired-guns. So too in the realm of political hits.


EVEN so, before we get to the latest “sudden death”, the following recaps of (some of the) set-ups by Clinton and Obama Inc. are mandatory reading – even if so-called mainstream media screams: “conspiracy theory!”


Back in 2013 (a year into the inception of this site), the following was reported: “Hill’s Skeletons, Bodies, Pile Up At Her Door – As She Positions For 2016.” Business as usual.

Fast forward to 2014, and another trail of corpses are not far behind. Tellingly, this go-around, their skeletons intersected with banksters, the CIA, and some top brass at the NYPD! Oh my.

Moving right along to the summer of 2016….and, here we go again: “Clinton Inc.’s (Recent) Dead Bodies: Their Nexus To Criminal Cartels & The Brotherhood Mafia.” Never-ending.

But there’s more. To wit, November 2016 required an updated list! How can this be? Well, does “dropping like flies” sound like par for their course? It should.

Still yet, don’t ever forget this: HUSSEIN Obama has his own pile up! Indeed. As such, here’s a few foretastes: Why are “mysterious” deaths littered in his wake? More specifically, what constitutes/underlies these cold, dead bodies – be they sexually related or otherwise? Naturally, Obama Inc. and Clinton Inc. intersect in many ways, some of which are deadly. Read: Seth Rich’s/Andrew Breitbart’s/Tom Clancy’s (and so on) hits.

Within this realm of truth-telling, is it any wonder that – in the summer of 2018 – Clinton Inc.’s ASSASSINATION SQUAD struck again? Of course not.