A Wall
What we define ''IT'' to be,
is how we have defined our own eternity. For every man has a wall,
a barrier they must defeat
but that is not the wall
we are here to seek.
'''A wall can be a a barrier,
like a King's gate,'''
>to block all his foes out and keep his Citizens safe.
It can be made of many things, like bricks and steal or concrete plates.
It doesnt need to be opaque nor does it have to been transparent,
it just needs to be a means to keep your loved ones safe.
A Wall can be a dangerous threat to those who are within.
It can bind them, hold them, confide them until their soul gives in.
A wall can be a wrenched thing that leaves an awful taste,
of wickedness and death to all of those who are behind those perilous gates.
But a Wall is just a wall, that cannot dictate.
It's an inanimate object - ''that is its only state.''
So then, the only thing to fear, is the one who controls the gate.
Friend or Foe who governs there, will be the people's fate.
>But a Man who can give up everything and take on all the Hate,
to lead a nation that was sliding down from a desperate state
==from those who wish to oppress us all
and destroy us from within==
… is a Man, I would Gladly follow through Hell's tormentous gates.