I tried, but…
Dementia patients to be tracked by smart meters so that doctors can monitor any sudden changes that indicate illness, falls or mental decline
Gee… and they called us all conspiratards when we pointed this sort of thing would be done…
AI system will warn you if your partner is in an ARGUMENTATIVE mood
I bet the Chinese Social Credit system is all over this Thought Policing indication system…
Did you download GiMP or something?
When'd you start changing opacity settings like this?
Poll shows Biden as front-runner in Iowa Democratic caucuses
Apparently his Best Friends pizza bracelet he shared with Obummer isn't gonna be enough to save him…
Posting getting funky…
We 'bout to have someone special drop by?
It's like executive privilege, but for your day-to-day
Don't forget the Ex-Mexican-President's Son and the Dalai Lama