Governor Northam should DEFINITELY run for President. Form a new party, the Democratic White Party, and go for it, Dude!
Y though?
Jesus established the Church.
She is, however, a leading candidate for the Muppet Party.
I think he'd need Congress to pass a bill for that. It's Congress who spendsโand how!
Duh. People will money are leaving high taxation blue states in droves. Watch CA if tech gets whacked by the DOJ/regulations. Most of the techies are from other countries and states anyway, would be a good riddance.
Um, you may want to try reading the New Testament.
Is the defendant a mason?
The nwo-engineered decline really accelerated with Bush I and much more so under Bushbama. The 90s only look good compared to now. I experienced a growing, mostly prosperous America into the 90s, when immigration and the police state really went out of control. Prior to 1990, America was about 86% white, now it is 62% white. Coincidence?
I think the 50s Jet Age was benign compared to the general misery of the early Industrial Age.
Bingo! Throw mostly curveballs.
Show me.
So it seems. SCOTUS will likely decide it. How's Ruthie?
Cryin Chuck!
I'm in deep blue Cal. Can you imagine the idiocy combined with a very oppressive police state? Dont bother.
The Church is the communion of all believers, the angels and saints in Heaven, and God Himself. That's the basic definition of the Church.
The Bible says that. I've asked and answered more questions that youve ever dreamed of, and over a much longer period of time, with much better, more educated, and more experienced souls than you. I guarantee this statement.
Will her speech be produced by Okrah?
Esp. if youre interested in comparative religion, philosophy and theology. The Church established the Euro University system, and Protestants the American Uni system.
Face it, Trump's DOJ is a complete failure.
Will be the last for awhile after this one.
My Southern friends call a spade a nigger anytime.