AG makes laws and rules on their constitutionality now, huh?
Tight, tight
Okay, I read it.
AG still doesn't make laws or rule on their constitutionality.
Republican SCOTUS, Republican Senate; you can probably calm down a little bit.
Because he doesn't want the job, won't be in it for long if he even gets in, and is probably another head fake just meant to fuck with the swamp..
if he gets in, and is on board with Trump's agenda, he's gonna be busy doing about 200 other things.
Honestly, my ability to get too wound up about any particular thing is suffering at this point. I'm just going to wait and see how this plays out.
On a gut level, I like Barr, so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, because I understand what the AG is supposed to do, so does Barr, and that makes two of us out of we three.
GTFO with your Barr slide. If you're that worried, tell it to your Congressperson.