Anonymous ID: d5e9bf Feb. 4, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.5031327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1384

Personally I think the fallen angels co opted during the symbols that would be God. Eye seeing eye= a father looking over you, many more symbols were never theirs, they stole them and perverted them. They stole the light, love and energy of God, because they cannot regenerate on their own. They took comfort from the reverence if the father abd turned it into evil. >>5031119

Anonymous ID: d5e9bf Feb. 4, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.5031565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5031444. God promised Noah a rainbow at the end of the flood, I’ll have to find my research I caught two 180 degree rainbow and a double rainbow with ing three days of each other, never saw one in my life.

Anonymous ID: d5e9bf Feb. 4, 2019, 6:05 p.m. No.5031722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I don’t subscribe to all if this but it gives me a confirmation of why the gay movement co opted rainbows. The interpretation I read was biblical “promises made, promises kept”. They steal the symbols God has made in nature and made them unnatural.


Rainbow Symbolism: Spiritual and Symbolic Meanings

Posted on August 10, 2014 by atell

Over the RainbowWe’ve had some very cold and rainy weather here over the last few months, but that is nothing new during winter time in the Witzenberg valley. We were even blessed enough to occasionally see the majestic mountains nestled under a white cap of snow. The mountains, snow, and rain aren’t really what I’m focusing on today but they did contribute to all the beautiful rainbows I’ve been seeing recently.


Synchronicity has been at work in a big way and as fate would have it, someone I’ve been hoping to connect with for the last 3 years contacted me for a reading. This lovely lady shared her vision for the future with me and mentioned a rainbow and how it fits in with her plans.


After the session, my partner and myself drove to Worcester and happened to see a gorgeous rainbow, and I had to take pictures as it was a direct confirmation of the topics of the reading I did earlier that day. Since then, rainbows have been popping up left, right, and center! I traveled to Durbanville earlier this week to write my crystal healing exam and when I got out of the car, there was a massive rainbow ending right over the building I was meant to go into.


spiritual meaning of rainbows, symbolic meaning of rainbows, rainbow symbolism spiritual meaning of rainbows, symbolic meaning of rainbows, rainbow symbolism Spiritual Meaning of Rainbows


This is the information the lady I spoke to sent through an email to me: A rainbow is a sign of blessing for your ventures, those close to you, and yourself. It is a powerful sign and it can be seen as a message from the Universe or Spirit that you are headed in the right direction. Much like the biblical meaning or symbolism, it signifies and end to difficulty and despair.


So it fits perfectly! We are both at a point in our lives where we are considering and working on major changes that would involve expanding what we’re already doing and the rainbow has become a frequent sight for me since that day. For me, personally, it is a reminder that the stress or strain I may feel during the growth process is going to be worth it and that what I’m working towards is blessed and supported by the Universe.


spiritual meaning of rainbows, symbolic meaning of rainbows, rainbow symbolismPersonal Significance or Interpretation


In addition to the symbolic meaning of rainbows, I’ve also started to look at it from a slightly different perspective, because of the subject I’m studying at present, color therapy. The rainbow is made up of the seven formative forces or rays and while it is a beautiful and often breathtaking phenomenon, it has also come to have a deeper meaning for me; It’s a symbol of all of creation and of the unity of all those formative forces and colors that create the world we live in.


Have you seen a rainbow recently? Take it as a promise from the Universe that everything is going to be okay and that any challenges you’re facing or new projects you’re working on are worth the time and effort you’re investing. If you turn a rainbow upside down it’s like a smile in all the colors of the spectrum, so the Universe is smiling on you and reminding you that you yourself takes the role of creator on a daily basis by shaping your world, your experiences, and your outcomes.