Anonymous ID: 9de381 Feb. 4, 2019, 6:13 p.m. No.5031834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1867







Dementia patients to be tracked by smart meters so that doctors can monitor any sudden changes that indicate illness, falls or mental decline


Gee… and they called us all conspiratards when we pointed this sort of thing would be done


The Nazis did something similar and then took it to the extreme…


-Hitler and the Nazis sought to control every part of public life, including employment, education, healthcare and the economy. Nazi Germany became a true police state.


-Hitler & the Nazis wanted to eliminate they viewed as ‘anti-social behaviours’, including alcoholism, begging, promiscuity, prostitution, smoking , guns and homosexuality.


-Nazis passed the Marriage Protection Laws. People with ‘hereditary diseases’ are barred from marrying


-Nazis passed the Sterilisation Law. On 14 July 1933 the Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases is passed, mandating compulsory sterilisation of the disabled. Coming into effect in 1934, up to 400,000 people were sterilised as a result. The law was the first of many and led to the programme of euthanasia of certain classes of the ‘incurable’.


-Nazis began Operation T. Hitler authorizes the euthanasia of adults as part of Operation T-4 to eliminate mentally and physically disabled children and adults from the Third Reich. The program was officially ended in August 1941, but in reality the killing continued until 1945.