Anonymous ID: 53ec2b Feb. 4, 2019, 7:32 p.m. No.5032778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2795 >>2811 >>2826 >>2916 >>3262

JIDF going into hyperdrive… seriously how is this legal?


Israel unveils a global system for tracking online anti-Semitism.


Israel has unveiled what it says was new global technology for detecting anti-Semitic content on the internet.


The software, called the Anti-Semitism Cyber ​​Monitoring System, or ACMS, is “the most advanced development in the world for monitoring anti-Semitism in real time,” Naftali Bennet, a top Israeli minister, said in a statement.


According to the Israeli minister, the ACMS tracks anti-Semitic posts globaly on social media and can detect how widely they’ve been shared, who is sharing them, and which cities and countries produce the most anti-Semitic content.


This however raises a number of issues.


First is it even legal for Israel to track the citizens of other countries, without their knowledge or consent, and then take their information/data/posts and do with it whatever it pleases.


For instance, where is it mentioned in FB's “terms and conditions” how Israel is allowed to spy and collect data on FB users?


But the far larger issue is the fact that Israel considers almost any criticism of Israel as “antisemitism”.


This mean that people who will criticize Israel in any way might find themselves being tracked by Israel, with their names profiles and posts saved and archived to be used by Israel as it see fits.


Israeli minister Naftali Bennet unviels the Anti-Semitism Cyber ​​Monitoring System


Israel says that the system uses the controversial and and problematic "International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti-Semitism" when scanning for content, and will initially monitor posts in English, Arabic, French and German on Facebook and Twitter before expanding to other platforms and languages.


The problem with this is that this "International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti-Semitism" compounds between anti semitic criticism of Jews, and criticism of Israel.


During a month-long trial of the ACMS, Israel said it detected a total of 409,000 anti-Semitic posts by 30,000 users with some 10,000 anti-Semitic posts and tweets on a daily basis.


You can expect that number to increse exponentially as Israel has said it will expand the "search for antisemitism" to include almost the whole internet.