Anonymous ID: acd2cd Feb. 4, 2019, 7:53 p.m. No.5033022   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I assume maybe someone else has picked this up, but heres some heavy confirmation about the Roths now that we can read the MAP. Form the site:


'We have in recent years developed a methodology for classifying our tier-one suppliers; we look at the risks

evident in both (1) the sector in which they operate and (2) the jurisdiction in which they are incorporated or

where they principally work.'


Question 1: why is the most prominent company policy about human trafficking and slavery? Kind of odd for a bank/asset management company, right?


Question 2: Why does an asset management company have 'tier 1 suppliers?' Supplying what? Dont they just invest other peoples money for them?


Answer: This is a statement to Owl customers 'in the know' that the Roths think they are insulated by degrees of seperation from the traffickers.


Also their website is full of the pedo-spiral signalling using otherwise unremarkable pictures. The other picture I posted clearly symbolises the outside layer of the pyramid being seperated ( *** - Saudis cutt off). This is pretty heavy confirmation boys.