Night shift want to improve the earlier digs on Starbucks and Howard Schultz? Think we have a reason he's so rich. Still don't have a bloodline.
Kek. Yes. Anon posted this:
Anons, who is the black congresswoman who has a soon - half white - that looks like Mr. Bean?
Gotta remember before anon can sleep.
Can't find a map, but 2020 projected results by county?
Why does Madame NoName want to be relevant again?
She did it, too. Why do you think she had to stay high all the time?
Absolutely need to blast dual citizenship. That's Carter's fault, isn't it?
Kek approved.
I just hope there's plenty of Q.
Last year was awesome.
Except for the part where we never found the raw footage for the photo that Getty wrote over.
That wasn't awesome.
But Right to Try.
The activation code.
It was a great SOTU.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Gallup is in the bloodline, btw.
Have we ever done a proper dig on that rags-to-riches story?
We know who we are. Do we really want moar newbs right now?
Wonder if that was for @Maggie.
Check out that seat. Dats a Pepe?
P=C is rot 13 for a cipher code.