>Military exercises on Wilshire Blvd. in LA
12021 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 774
Los Angeles, CA 90025
>Military exercises on Wilshire Blvd. in LA
12021 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 774
Los Angeles, CA 90025
looks like this crisis actor's cousin. same butt on end of nose, same non-eyelid eyes. odd teeth.
Aw. missed Daniel in lb. When i have the dreams with Q in them, there's usually a Daniel there. Saw dayshift anons saying they'd all seen POTUS in their dream the night before (this was many months ago) and so had I, so I think we all go to the same dream spot and hang out with Q in the non-corporeal dimension during dreamtime.
Telling the demons to STFO? The 5th dimension is a place where evil is liberated without the constraints of gravity/electromagnetism (like we have here in our visible plane). Good thing we have that dimensional veil between us and them. Except for when CERN tried to shred the veil and let the demons in. So glad they were not allowed to pull it off. POTUS, making reality great again.
As Above, So Below is Gnostic, not Biblical. Just so we are all clear.
Wrong. Stupid.
Are you daft, anon. What you bind โ on earth. Where is earth, above or below?
And I hope you aren't trying to start a fabrication where there is a wall surrounding heaven above. That is nowhere in the bible. The only wall to keep out entities from other dimensions, mentioned in the bible, is the wall surrounding New Jerusalem.
And before you even get started, cunt. New Jerusalem descends from heaven above, to Earth โ below. Don't fuck with God's word. Not on my watch.
You are an actual fool aren't you. Earth is below heaven. You don't quote the bible then decide it means what you want it to mean. Facts are facts and logic disagrees with your convoluted gnostic bullshit religious false gospel garbage.
Hey everyone.
Kate had a nap after her 3-day coke binge.
Now she's back on the board to share
-fake gospels
-new age secret knowledge
-ascended master garbage
-femanon dumb shit cuz muh vagina
-tell anon what to do but contribute none herself
-slander and blaspheme God himself
Hell, according to the bible, is in the center of the earth. Go visit.
Whereโฆ show me even 1 place, quote it. Have you read the bible, anon? All of it? I don't lie about God or what is written in His word.
Hey Kate, you're finished here you know that don't you. I'm the only person who will even talk to you anymore. Because you tried to assassinate our beloved POTUS. Fake MAGA. Fake WWG1WGA. You think we all just forgot you've been here posting your stupid anti-Christ demon from the beginning? No one has forgotten. And no one who loves God will ever buy what you are selling. You have become addicted to your own false, deluded belief that you are causing something to happen here on the board. Wake up, Kate. The only thing you are doing here is wasting your own time and board space. I will forgive you for trying to kill POTUS and for blaspheming God, when you repent. So repent. You aren't fooling anyone here with your fairylight unicorn poop namaste litter.
As above so below is not anywhere in the bible. The Lord's prayer says for God's will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Now what does that mean Anon? God is clear that what His people bind and loose here on earth, has a direct effect on what is bound and loosed in the heavenly realm. That is why prayers matter. That is why faith here in the here in now, matters. As above so below is right up there with Follow Your Heart. It's absolutely opposite of reality.
Don't pray for any of us. No one who loves Jesus wants prayers from someone who believes that "all are one" and "all is good" fuck that. Evil is evil. Good is good. And the two shall never be joined.
Keep searching without ever finding anything then. Enjoy the endless, fruitless, meaningless journey. A shame, because you could have real truth, absolute truth, honest truth. Some are seekers. Others are Finders. POTUS found the truth. Why don't you do the same.
Keep going. Tell us more about how superior you are. Tell us more about how your existentialist End Justifies the Means. What a fake.
Hundreds? You have read the bible hundreds of times, front to back, as a book?
Mat 6:10
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Anon, what is the kingdom that is coming? Where is it coming to? And at what point is God's will done in that kingdom? Before, or after it gets where it's coming to?
I don't have a problem with profanity or appearances. I do have a problem with false teachers coming here, to preach false gospels.
Good Luck.
Exactly the manner in which false gospels are perpetuated. It's called muddying the waters and black propaganda.
Yes anon. Hermeticism, where "all is one". The ultimate "open borders" philosophy.
God is the fourth word in the English transliteration of the masoretic text called the Old Testament.
So odd. No back-up plan at all for family. Wonder if he pulled a Tom Saywer.
>"The Spiritual Realm is where things in the physical realm get decided."
This is not correct. The earthly realm decides. That is why God said, what we do here directly affects the outcome of what happens in the heavenly realm.
I would suggest you visit a website where you can look up the hebrew in a concordance like Strong's.
Anon, is the kingdom of heaven in Hillary too? Marina? Alefantis? Hussein? No. It's a false gospel.