>>5034788 lb
Daniel, my response is:
Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins.
>>5034788 lb
Daniel, my response is:
Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins.
Anon, You need to post a link to buy this! If Q doesn't do something soon, everybody on this board may need it for a disguise to avoid discrimination or possible racial persecution…
This board only stays populated if there is always something very big just around the next corner. We only have theories about why it didn't ever happen after the predictions fail. Com back in March. There will be a new theory as to why we are still waiting for something good to happen. We'll have calendars, ancient star charts, clocks– everything… IT will be habbening!
Matthew 18:18
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 6:10
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Kind of sounds like "as above, so below" is a paraphrase of words uttered by Jesus Himself.
Not too sure what you're hyperventilating about, or what you think I'm getting at. My comment was clear: "as above, so below" is a ripped-off paraphrase of Jesus' own words "Thy (God's) will be done in earth as it is in Heaven."
Not really sure how anyone with half a brain could misunderstand, or fail to see the similarities between the two examples given. Jesus wasn't a Gnostic, nor am I. It just so happens that Christ IS the original Author of the phrase "as above, so below" before it was corrupted by gnosticism and the occult.
(You) seem to be in an argument against something different than my comment.
It seemed like an ordinary observation from the Lord's Prayer…
The other verse was Jesus instructing His disciples (before He ascended) in a principle of Spiritual Warfare.
You need some sleep, Anon.
You're arguing, and you are not even sure why. I have no agenda here other than to be faithful to scripture. The Aleister Crowley/Hermetic "As Above, So Below" is in actual fact a plagiarized phrase that expresses the same principle Jesus shared; (To sound important, they stole a saying that Jesus already said) that our prayers here on earth affect Heaven. The other example is straing out of the Lord's Prayer: "Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven."
Now here you are, (claiming to be defending the Bible, while calling me filthy names, and using crude language,) so I'm going to have to concede that there may just be some 'concepts' of Scripture that you are unable to discern. (That doesn't make me even slightly wrong, it just means you need to chill.)
As you have already been shown very clearly, NO ONE ever said that "As Above, So Below" is anywhere in the Bible. I said these New Age, "We are all one" types plagiarized the 'concept' from several similar Biblical statements made by Jesus.
Are we good now, or do you still need to splash some cold water on your face?
True, and they do not worship Christ alone, but they (along with other pagans and Luciferians) are simply applying a Biblical concept to their ritualism. "As Above, So Below" is a way of saying "The Spiritual Realm is where things in the physical realm get decided." They are on one side, we Christians are on the other. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in the hidden realm. Another thingwehave in our favor is the before the throne of God in Heaven, we have an Advocate, Jesus our Mediator, Who speaks on our behalf.
Their are Wiccans, Pagans, Satanists, and they have their so-called 'methods' of getting what they want in the spiritual realm. They are not stronger than us when we pray in Jesus' Name. Why do you think they need human sacrifice and all that horrific junk to gain temporary 'power?'
We have unstoppable power, because Jesus conquered their death cult 2,000 years ago when He rose from the grave! We pray in His name, because demons tremble in fear when that Name is spoken, and Heaven hears our cry. That is why when we ask for help, we say: "In Jesus' Name, Amen."