Anonymous ID: 02c26c Feb. 5, 2019, 10:02 a.m. No.5038239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8283 >>8446 >>8571 >>8669





Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Supervisory Special Agent for Making False Representations, Working for an FBI Contractor, Accepting Gifts from an FBI Applicant, Assisting the FBI Applicant in the Employment Selection Process, and Misusing a Government Vehicle

and Cell Phone


The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated this investigation upon the receipt of information alleging that a Federal Bureau of Investigation Supervisory Special Agent (SSA), engaged in outside employment with an FBI contractor without FBI approval; falsely represented material facts on mortgage loan documents; and misused the SSA’s government vehicle.


During the course of its investigation, the OIG found indications that the SSA accepted gifts from an applicant for FBI employment, a prohibited source; used FBI resources to vet clients for the contractor with whom the SSA was employed; made false statements on annual financial disclosure forms; and misused the SSA’s government cell phone.


The SSA resigned during the course of the investigation after the OIG sought to interview the SSA.


The OIG investigation substantiated that the SSA violated federal law or regulation in making false representations related to two mortgage loans and filing false annual financial disclosure forms by not reporting income received from the contractor. The OIG investigation also substantiated that the SSA violated federal law or regulations, and FBI ethics policies, by working for a contractor that was currently under contract with the FBI, accepting gifts from an applicant for FBI employment and assisting the applicant in the selection process, misusing the SSA’s government vehicle by allowing family members to ride in the vehicle, and exchanging sexually explicit text messages on the SSA’s government cell phone.


Prosecution of the SSA was declined.

The OIG has completed its investigation and provided its report to the FBI for appropriate action.


Posted to on February 5, 2019


I have not confirmed that the SSA is Josh Campbell but here are a couple more article said: