Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.5038343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8757

Mexican Government Provided 50 Buses to Transport Recent Honduran Migrant Caravan to Texas Border


A very large caravan of migrants recently departed from Honduras en route to the United States with the goal of claiming asylum and living off the largess of the American taxpayer.


According to reports, the Governor of the Mexican state of Coahuila provided about 50 private buses to transport the migrants to an unsecured area of the Texas border.


Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) said the illegal alien migrants arrived at Piedras Negras, across from Eagle Pass, Texas late Monday night.

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.5038406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Source for Buzzfeed Junk Report on Trump Ordering Cohen to Lie is a Clinton and Mueller Lackey Felix Sater


Far Left Buzzfeed released a bogus report stating the President Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen was following President Trump’s orders to lie about an unsupported story on Russia.

Mueller’s team in an attempt to prevent a leak investigation into it’s operations came out 24 hours later and said the story was false.

Now we know that the entire junk report was provided to Buzzfeed by a Clinton and Mueller lackey, Felix Sater.


Paul Sperry came on in a report that the individual behind the Buzzfeed fake news story lying about President Trump was none other than a deep state dirt-bag related to the Clintons and Mueller and his gang of crooks:

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.5038417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8427

Maduro: Oil, gold & other riches behind Trump’s Venezuela crusade


Venezuela’s natural reserves, such as oil, gas, and gold, encourage the US to seek regime change there, President Maduro told RT, saying he won’t be remembered as a leader who showed weakness and ignorance to his people.


“What ‘casus belli’ does Donald Trump have against Venezuela? Venezuelan oil. Venezuela’s riches – gold, gas, diamonds, iron, water,” Maduro said in an exclusive interview with RT Spanish. The remarks come as Western nations pile overwhelming pressure on the Latin American country.


Maduro, who is widely seen as the successor to the cause of late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, said it doesn’t matter how he will go down in history.


What does matter, he said, is that he doesn’t want to be a “traitor” and a “weak person,” bowing down to Washington.


Turmoil in Venezuela escalated on the heels of economic hardships which saw the country suffer from galloping inflation, skyrocketing prices and low living standards. Yet, Maduro believes his government has a solution to those troubles.


Admitting that “hyperinflation caused tremendous damage to us,” he suggested that the resources “kidnapped by the world” be freed for a national recovery. Aside from that, the government will work on keeping prices as low as possible and will stabilize the national currency rate.


US sanctions also did their job, Maduro said. He labelled Washington’s restrictions against state-run oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) and its US subsidiary Citgo illegal, saying Caracas will respond. “Measures like these have never been introduced against any other country,” stated Maduro.

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.5038457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8744

Man Sentenced to 30 Years for Biting Police Officer, As Child Rapist Cop Gets Probation


A man who claims he bit an officer in self-defense was sentenced to 30 years in jail last week as a cop who admitted to raping a child gets probation.


Lubbock, TX — If ever you were in doubt about the special privilege awarded to those who are members of government or the corporate oligarchy, one need only look at the following two cases. While often times, the “justice” system will grant special privileges to those connected to it, it can also be used to severely punish those who dare cause injury to one of the connected.


Because police claim authority to extort people who don’t have the proper lights on their bicycle, Angel Hernandez, 36, was targeted for this ‘offense’ last March. Hernandez showed the officer that the light on his bicycle stopped working but this was not enough.


The officer then ran Hernandez through the system and noticed that he had an outstanding warrant for failing to appear in court for forgery so he moved to arrest him. Not wanting to be arrested, Hernandez took off running.


The chase ended in a struggle as the officer tasered Hernandez several times even asking a neighbor to step in and help him.


During the struggle Hernandez bit the officer on the arm several times to which the officer responded by repeatedly beating Hernandez in the head with his baton, severely injuring him.


The officer said Hernandez tried to grab his baton, which prompted the response. According to Hernandez, however, he only bit the officer because he was choking him.


Hernandez was subsequently charged with aggravated assault against a public servant, attempting to take a weapon from an officer and evading arrest. And, on January 24, he was convicted on all of the above charges. For biting an officer, over a stop that initiated as an act of extortion for improper bicycle lighting, Hernandez was sentenced to 30 years behind bars.


No one here is claiming Hernandez is innocent, nor are we saying he shouldn’t be in jail. He certainly deserves to be held accountable for his crimes. But 30 years? Hernandez will spend most of the rest of his life in a cage for biting a public servant who chased him.


This ridiculously harsh sentence raises several questions. First, if Hernandez had bitten a civilian who was trying to choke him out and kidnap him, would he have even been arrested? Second, if a police officer committed a similar crime, would they have been arrested?

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.5038485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8682

Bipartisan Support Builds For Israeli Sovereignty Over Golan Heights


As The Daily Wire has reported, Republican Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) have been actively calling for the United States to formally recognize Israel's annexation of the strategically sensitive Golan Heights region. The Golan Heights, which Israel first acquired in 1967's existential Six Day War defensive fight and formally annexed in 1981, has nonetheless languished since 1981 as a matter of formal U.S. recognition.


As The Daily Wire's Hank Berrien reported on December 18, the joint Cruz/Cotton Senate resolution thoroughly traced the modern history of the Golan's legal status, from 1967 through the bloody years-long civil war raging in Syria through the present day:


The resolution points out that "until 1967, Syria controlled the Golan Heights and used the topographical advantage it provided to attack Israeli troops and civilians"; that "in the Six Day War of 1967, Syria intensified its attacks against Israel from the Golan Heights, and Israel captured the area in a defensive war"; that "in October 1973, the Golan Heights provided Israel with critical strategic depth to repel a surprise attack by Syrian forces; that on September 1, 1975, President Gerald Ford offered a diplomatic assurance to Israel that 'the U.S. will support the position that an overall settlement with Syria in the framework of a peace agreement must assure Israel’s security from attack from the Golan Heights'"; and that "'the U.S. has not developed a final position on the borders. Should it do so it will give great weight to Israel’s position that any peace agreement with Syria must be predicated on Israel remaining on the Golan Heights.'" …


Then Cruz and Cotton get down to the current situation, asserting that "since 2011, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians, including with weapons of mass destruction, and has pursued an ethnic cleansing campaign against Syrian Sunnis," and that "Iran has used the war in Syria to establish a military presence in the Levant, including thousands of Iranian troops and proxies, and now seeks to create territorial corridors that solidify its control, expand its activities, establish a permanent military presence, and provide arms to its terrorist proxies."

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.5038491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8510 >>8519 >>8529

New York Prosecutors Subpoena Trump’s Inaugural Committee


Federal prosecutors in New York on Monday subpoenaed President Donald Trump’s inaugural committee as part of an investigation into possible illegal foreign contributions to the $107 million inaugural fund.


“We have just received a subpoena for documents. While we are still reviewing the subpoena, it is our intention to cooperate with the inquiry,” a spokesman for the inaugural committee told reporters after being served with the subpoena, which was first reported by ABC News.


The subpoena is the latest legal headache for Trump, whose campaign is under investigation in the special counsel’s probe. His real estate firm, Trump Organization, is also under scrutiny in the Southern District of New York, which issued Monday’s subpoena.


The public corruption section of the New York prosecutor’s office issued the subpoena, according to ABC. Special counsel Robert Mueller has investigated donations to Trump’s inaugural committee, but that appears to have been spun off to New York prosecutors as the Mueller probe appears to wind down.


The subpoena requests information on donors, vendors, and contractors affiliated with the committee, as well as committee bank accounts and any other information related to foreign contributors to the committee.


Prosecutors are investigating possible conspiracy to defraud the United States, mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering, according to various reports.


While the subpoena is generally light on specifics, it does seek communications between the inaugural committee and Imaad Zuberi, a Los Angeles-based venture capitalist who donated $900,000 to the inauguration.

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.5038513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Professor says Mary Poppins is racist because of the scene where the character has soot on her face


A U.S. gender studies professor has labeled the classic children’s film “Mary Poppins” as racist in a recent New York Times op-ed.


Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, a professor at Linfield College, pointed to a scene in the 1964 film where Mary Poppins’ face is covered in black soot from a chimney.


“When the magical nanny (played by Julie Andrews) accompanies her young charges, Michael and Jane Banks, up their chimney, her face gets covered in soot, but instead of wiping it off, she gamely powders her nose and cheeks even blacker,” Pollack-Pelzner wrote in the piece published Jan. 28.


He goes on to allege that the late P. L. Travers, who authored the series of children’s books, was a racist.


“This might seem like an innocuous comic scene if Travers’s novels didn’t associate chimney sweeps’ blackened faces with racial caricature. “Don’t touch me, you black heathen,” a housemaid screams in “Mary Poppins Opens the Door” (1943), as a sweep reaches out his darkened hand. When he tries to approach the cook, she threatens to quit: “If that Hottentot goes into the chimney, I shall go out the door,” she says, using an archaic slur for black South Africans that recurs on page and screen.


“We’re in on the joke, such as it is: These aren’t really black Africans; they’re grinning white dancers in blackface. It’s a parody of black menace; it’s even posted on a white nationalist website as evidence of the film’s racial hierarchy,” Pollack-Pelzner continued. –

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.5038541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Most Democrats Voted for a Wall Before’: Rand Paul Exposes Two-Party Scam


Rand Paul just exposed the political theater behind the fight over the border wall by explaining that democrats already passed a similar bill before Trump.


Countering the narrative of mainstream media and the current divide over Donald Trump’s desire to build a border wall, Rand Paul weighted in to point out just how much theater is involved in this circus sideshow we call government.


During an interview with WBKO on Sunday, Paul discussed the issue of the wall with reporters and urged the left and the right to reach a compromise as not to shut down the government again.


“I think there’s a compromise to be had,” Sen. Paul said. “I think whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, most people don’t want open borders. We want some kind of controlled access.”


Paul didn’t say whether or not he was for the wall, he did, however, urge Republicans and Democrats to come together and get over this issue.


“I think the democrats should compromise and say ‘we’re not giving you all the money you’re asking for but we’ll give you some of the money’ – that’s sort of a compromise.”


Paul then went on to expose the ridiculous political theater of the democrats calling Trump’s wall ‘immoral’ as they have once voted for the same thing.


“We’ve heard Nancy Peolsi say, ‘oh the wall is immoral.’ Well, most of these democrats have voted for this wall before, so it didn’t used to be immoral,” Sen. Paul said.

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.5038552   🗄️.is 🔗kun

African woman in Britain mutilated her 3-year-old daughter – and used witchcraft to shut authorities up


A woman who mutilated her three-year-old daughter has become the first person in the UK to be found guilty of female genital mutilation (FGM).

The 37-year-old mother from east London wept in the dock as she was convicted after a trial at the Old Bailey.

Spells and curses intended to deter police and social workers from investigating were found at the Ugandan woman’s home, the trial heard.

Her 43-year-old partner was acquitted by the jury.

Prosecutors said the mother “coached” her daughter “to lie to the police so she wouldn’t get caught”.

The defendants denied FGM and an alternative charge of failing to protect a girl from risk of genital mutilation.

Mrs Justice Whipple warned of a “lengthy” jail term as she remanded the woman into custody to be sentenced on 8 March.

During the trial the woman claimed her daughter, then aged three, “fell on metal and it’s ripped her private parts” after she had climbed to get a biscuit in August 2017.

Medics alerted police to the girl’s injuries after they treated her at Whipps Cross Hospital, in Leytonstone.

She “lost a significant amount of blood as a result of the injuries they had delivered and inflicted on her”, jurors were told.

While the parents were on bail, police searched the mother’s home and said they found evidence of “witchcraft”.

Prosecutor Caroline Carberry QC said two cow tongues were “bound in wire with nails and a small blunt knife” embedded in them.

Forty limes and other fruit were found with pieces of paper with names written on them stuffed inside, including those of police officers and a social worker involved in the investigation.

“These people were to ‘shut up’ and ‘freeze their mouths'”, Ms Carberry said.

“And there was a jar with a picture of a social worker in pepper found hidden behind the toilet in the bathroom,” she added.

FGM Campaigner Aneeta Prem believes more people will now come forward to report cases.

“People are scared to come forward, professionals are scared to come forward to report this,” she told the BBC.

“The fact that we have a conviction today is a really historic moment.”

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.5038568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8598

Wined up toy???


Mentally Ill Woman Arrested Following Fatal Paris Fire That Killed Ten


Investigators in Paris have arrested a woman in connection with a fatal apartment fire that led to the deaths of ten people on early Tuesday morning, saying she has a history of psychiatric illness.


The fire occurred at around one o’clock in the morning at an apartment building on the Rue Erlanger and as the fire began 40-year-old Essia B. was found setting a garbage bin on fire and making attempts to set a vehicle on fire as well, Le Parisien reports.


The 40-year-old was found to be intoxicated when police arrived on the scene and told them that she had set the fires because of a conflict with one of her neighbours.

Anonymous ID: 623e0d Feb. 5, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.5038696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8700


Noahide Project seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore Israel


The Noahide Project has the support of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and the Israeli government. Noahides are members of a new religion founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement – a form of Zionist mission that seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel… the first Noahide gathering took place in Texas in 1990 and was attended by Rabbi Meir Kahane…


More on link