Anonymous ID: 779aa7 Feb. 5, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.5038363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8477

Scientist, explorers, archaeologists, and paleontologists have been coming to understand the role our magnetic poles play in protecting our planet from the rays and ions produced by the sun.


Charles Hapgood was one of the most prominent to put forth his pole theory, and Albert Einstein wrote the forward to that book.


However this theory was debunked and you need to see why.


Because the classified document released by the CIA 50 years later will tell you why Hapgood was wrong and Chan Thomas could be horribly right.


The poles flip, and have flipped, and the crust moves a bit during this time as the magma at core gets microwaved by ions from sun making it into a jelly that allows crust to slip just enough. This happens when the internal gyroscope gets off line and then resets withing DAYS not years ect. However during the course of the flip pretty much all evidence of most civilization gets pummeled into dust and oblivion never to be found again. Except maybe a pyramid here or there. Or maybe a house at the bottom of the black see, or maybe an underwater foundation of a city plex, or maybe strange people with unknown technology that survived (Adam, Eve, Toth, Noah)


The theory fits!

Gen 1:2

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.


Folks, this earth has been remodeled a few times. And it's about time for a total gut rehab.


Is the devil looking to get his seed onto an ark yet again?


There were 3 pole shift theories. The Chan Thomas theory that was classified in 1950s (WHY?)


<Anons still trying to figure out why Lynn posted the Golden Ticket

Anonymous ID: 779aa7 Feb. 5, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.5038477   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How many trillions missing from budget?




LDR was posting golden tickets for what?


Good news, it seems there are spots on earth that might be "safe".

Bad news - elites will have it in their head that only the fittest to survive should go into next earth. That means richest and most ruthless.


Now suddenly as bible anon reads this theory he starts to put pieces of a puzzle together of verse on verse of scriptures that just can't make sense.


That is of course unless you continent is moving around at about 1000 mph along with 20 mile high waves of ocean and rock pretty much sanding elements down into nothingness.