Jesus Christ was killed for speaking out about the Jews - practice your right to free speech and make Jesus proud… call out the Jews.
Jesus Christ was killed for speaking out about the Jews - practice your right to free speech and make Jesus proud… call out the Jews.
U think the jews were gonna come right out and admit they wanted Jesus killed cus he said they were the sons of the devil and called them antichrists??
Cool story faggot. Yeah, Q said read ur bible and acknowledged Jesus is the savior, but didnt want us talking about what Jesus taught…
try harder.
whats that have to do with jesus calling out the jews? now we cant criticize jews around here cus Jesus died for our sins? fuck off mossad
kek. exactly.
john 3:16 - same verse Q dropped.
quir being a faggot. Jesus called out the Jews yugely and mossad no likey that fact.
did it stop Jesus from calling out the Jews?
cool story mossad. do u use that line with any anon in here, digging on any corruption, or just the ones that expose subversive jews?
keep glowing - i like to watch u squirm.
cool story mossad - read the bible. its all there.
read ur bible moran.
jews set the bounty. jews had him arrested. jews dragged him in front of the roman pilate and pilate wanted nothing to do with it so the jews hung him from a cross.
cool deflection lecturefag.
does it bother u that jesus so obviously spent the majority of his words on calling out the jews?
When Jesus told them they werent of the seed of abraham and that he could make stones rise up as the seeds of abraham, u think he really meant that blood lines and tribes matter?