Anonymous ID: 7b6e90 Feb. 5, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.5040470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0661 >>0893

Russia blames NATO for dismantling INF due to plans to deploy launchers to Poland


Moscow is urging NATO to avoid turning Europe into an arena of confrontation, which would certainly happen if US launchers were stationed in Poland


MOSCOW, February 4. /TASS/. NATO shoulders direct responsibility for the undoing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty given its plans to deploy US missile defense systems to member states, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday.


"Unfortunately, Alliance member states have demonstrated that they are not ready for a substantive dialogue on the Mk-41 missile launchers, which are deployed to Romania and are planned to be deployed to Poland next year in breach of the INF Treaty," the statement reads. "These systems are part of NATO’s missile defenses so the Alliance is directly responsible for the destruction of the Treaty," the Russian Foreign Ministry added.


Moscow is urging NATO to avoid turning Europe into an arena of confrontation, which would certainly happen if US launchers were stationed in Poland, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a commentary on Monday following the NATO Council’s statement regarding the situation involving the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty.


"If the United States’ European allies are really interested in preserving effective international control over weapons, disarmament and non-proliferation, they should not blindly follow US policies of attaining military supremacy. Instead they should abide by the fundamental interests of security and prevent Europe from being turned into a scene of confrontation again, which would become inevitable, if the United States begins the deployment of this class of missiles," the Foreign Ministry said.


NATO has completely conformed itself to the US policy of ruining the international system of arms control, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. The ministry said that the statement had been issued before Moscow received formal notification from Washington that it was suspending compliance with the treaty.


"This rush is no surprise to Russia. It is just more proof of the fact that the alliance has entirely modified itself to Washington’s policy of demolishing the system of arms control, which required many years of hard work to build," the Foreign Ministry stressed.


Russian diplomats believe that the collapse of the INF Treaty "will entail grave and far-reaching consequences for the entire edifice of European security, which the alliance ostensibly takes care of to the benefit of US allies in Europe."


"The NATO Council’s statement lacks elementary logic: the United States quits the treaty while NATO is going to ‘deter’ Russia," the Foreign Ministry said, adding that it was Moscow that in recent years systematically and consistently tried to persuade the American side to conduct a concrete and professional dialogue with the aim of enhancing the viability of the INF Treaty and preserving its systemic role for strategic stability.

Anonymous ID: 7b6e90 Feb. 5, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.5040495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0514

Pro-Israel group responds to ads with its own billboards


Pro-Israel groups are responding to what they call anti-Israel ads popping up around Los Angeles with billboards of their own.


Two billboard trucks featuring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s image cruised the streets of Hollywood and other parts of Los Angeles during the holiday weekend. The billboards include a quote from King, saying, "Israel must exist and has the right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world."


"In 1968, he made a very strong statement about Israel's right to exist, in security, as a Jewish state," said Gary Ratner, senior executive of StandWithUs.


StandWithUs, a pro-Israel education and advocacy group, says it started this campaign to counter what it considers anti-Israel billboards being circulated by a pro-Palestinian group.


That campaign features another great leader, Nelson Mandela. Billboards on display across Southern California feature a quote from Mandela that says, "Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."


The billboards were put up by a human rights group called Ads Against Apartheid.


"We don't target Israel. We target the Israeli government's behavior toward an occupied people," said Richard Colbath-Hess a board member at Ads Against Apartheid.


But the pro-Israel group says the quote on the Mandela billboard is incomplete.


"It doesn't include the fact that he also said that he believes Israel has the right to exist and in security, so it leaves out a very important point," said Ratner.


Ratner says Ads Against Apartheid is spreading misinformation.


"They have a right to respond to them, and we celebrate their right to respond to it, but a lot has happened since Martin Luther King made that quote in 1967," said Colbath-Hess.


The mobile truck ended its journey Monday, but similar billboards will be up for another month.

Anonymous ID: 7b6e90 Feb. 5, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.5040550   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who gives a fuck Israel is a Rothschild Zionist state that has committed endless atrocities killing untold amounts of innocent people all for the purpose of creating what Pike wrote 150 years ago

Anonymous ID: 7b6e90 Feb. 5, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.5040581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0666

Elijah J. Magnier: “ISIS could not return after US withdrawal from Syria and Iraq”


The US Intelligence community claims that the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) will return within twelve months of any US withdrawal from Syria and will be able to control a wide sweep of territory. In 2014 ISIS occupied an area the size of Great Britain– analysts claim that ISIS would soon be able to control half this much territory. At the same time US President Donald Trump is correctly announcing that ISIS is almost defeated, Pentagon sources claim there are still 20,000 to 30,000 ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria.


These unfounded statements and predictions are made by analysts whose bread and butter is to keep the fear of ISIS alive. The reality on the ground is different. Indeed, Kurdish forces in Syria are overwhelmed not by attacks, but by the hundreds of ISIS surrendering to its forces, unwilling to continue fighting, and preferring prison to death. What is more, the families (women and children) of ISIS militants of various nationalities are flocking into the deserted area under Kurdish control east of the Euphrates and surrendering themselves. They are hungry and humiliated, and they loudly express their disappointment at the trap they were drawn into years ago to by the so-called Islamic State. Coalition forces and Iraqi artillery have been bombing ISIS’s last strongholds in Arqub, BaghuzFoqani and BaghuzTahtani, within 7 km of the Syrian-Iraqi borders east of the Euphrates.