(Repost from lb)
Look at the woman in red clothing standing behind Jared Kushner…
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(Repost from lb)
Look at the woman in red clothing standing behind Jared Kushner…
Message given, Message received.
Lol, Pelosi looks confused.
I am not talking about Kavanaugh's wife
I am talking about Kushner. Women in red right behind Kushner. Clear signal.
Woman in red standing behind Jared Kushner giving signal that Kushner is an evil motherfucker who should not be trusted.
Why does nobody notice this?
Photo by Pence or Pelosi?
Anyone noticed this?
Kavanugh's wife in red, standing RIGHT behind Kushner. Is this a signal? Kushner, not /ourguy/ and an evil motherfucker?
I am pretty sure it is.
Baker, I think this is
Posting this on Twatter.
Yep, this is memeable. Now put them KKK hoods on. lelel