Of course it'd be the kike with the gay shit.
You simple minded retard, don't (You) me again until you look up Dancing Israelis, E-Team, Israeli art students, Chris Bollyn - The Man who solved 9/11.
If not, neck yourself. Thinking some cave-dwelling sandnigger pulled that op off with some other sandniggers and some box cutters. FOH.
Ignorant faggot.
They just don't get that all sides have been corrupt and they've been "playing" each other just to play us for real. Blind since birth. Hell, I was fed the same brainwashing stuff but I guess I always saw through it. Those who just flat out deny and fight you outright show you how real the brainwashing and idol worship is.
Here, I'll give you a shekel just to point out your hypocrisy. Love it. Liberal logic.