Anonymous ID: 4ee138 Feb. 5, 2019, 8:04 p.m. No.5048532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8580 >>8624


That's the thing Anon. Normal Pro America people recognize whatever satanic Zionist strategy is at work, is part of the OVERALL cabal strategy. Average Jews, average Christians, average people in general are not part of what you hate. You lump jews all into the same category, and that is what WE hate. Cut the jewish normies a break, which is probably like 90% of their population. Black hats exist in all religions….you don't think we are aware the entire Catholic church is comped? Why should organized Judaism be any different? The fact that so many of you call attention ONLY to the Jews just shows you are triggered about it, and acting like the puppets Satan wants you to be.


Wake up.


The Bible calls attention to an unreasonable hatred of jews in the end times, so hey, I expect the reaction I see on 8 chan toward "Joos joos joos." Sure, they are guilty of a lot of crimes. SO IS THE REST OF THE CABAL. You think the Rothschilds are jewish? Maybe in name only, secular like the rest of the CABAL. Don't let the labels and the internet cloud your judgment that there are millions and millions of 'normie' Jews who don't have a clue about anything, and just follow along their traditions according to how they were raised.