Anonymous ID: 6140c1 Feb. 5, 2019, 8:33 p.m. No.5049179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9261 >>9286




Don't you Anons read your Bibles? The entire theme is about it not being US, but only God within us. HE chose the Jews because it pleased Him. Got a gripe about that? Then fuck off. He also said that they were unlovable and stiff-necked. God has a habit throughout the Bible of choosing those who are least expected…the smallest brother to kill Goliath, the harlot to help the spies in Jericho, the orphan boy to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, a poor carpenter's son to be the King of the Jews. In this context, the Jews were probably the least likely of all peoples to flourish, so that in their future success they would not have anyone except God to hang it on. As long as they obeyed His commands, which they had trouble with, a lot.


They fucked up. Some of them became worldly, and wanted a king. They got divided amongst themselves. They forsook the Commandments. They added a shit-ton of their own religious notions and rules, which didn't benefit anybody but themselves. They didn't even recognize Christ when he was born. In short, they became thoroughly lost.


But far be it from US to heap hatred on God's chosen people. Fuck that, why would anyone want to test God in this way? Bible is clear, He will BRING THE PAIN on those who fuck with Israel. He just has a lot more patience with them than most of us.


On this board all you are going to hear is hatred of the Jews, sad fact. The rest of us don't speak up enough. As gentiles we can observe that this was all part of GOD'S PLAN to spread the message of Christ and redemption throughout the Earth. Who carried it? The Romans, the Catholics, then the Protestants, then the missionaries, on until today. Notice we can say that everyone of those is Comped to some degree. So people are not perfect, man-made Religion is fucked right from the start. We don't have righteousness on our own to make any claim, apart from Christ; we can only point to God and try to be part of the plan.


Now a lot of you want to bitch about Israel this and Zionist that. Fair enough. But you are missing the entire point if that is all you can see. Satan has his fingers in EVERYTHING. If there is one thing Q has showed us here, is that it is the CABAL that connects it all. Don't just be myopic about muh joos, or muh Pope, or muh Democrats. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED.


Those who get on here with one message "Joo" are just a broken record, and are doing the Cabal's bidding in some fashion. Even if they don't realize it.