Anonymous ID: acd049 Feb. 5, 2019, 8:15 p.m. No.5048790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5048590 LB

>WE ARE FREEE ALL RIGHT !!!!!! I missed that part so when do we get to tell the banks to Fuck Off, Or get the criminals out of our state so we can live, does my Vote count Now? o I guess the cabal won then, glad you guys are happy about Words thats all you will get, maybe the bank will take words, can I just grow all the weed I want at least, not get lied too, FUCK NO glad those rich Fucks are free you don't get it HE FREED THEM NO ARRESTS we don't need all those pesky investigations, we would of been at war with NK cause we own it NOPE, Liberate Mexico? Nope, hey guys what tho we are not socialists sweet, THE MOVIE IS FAKE AND GAY HOPIUM FOR 2020