Anonymous ID: e5f06c Feb. 5, 2019, 8:42 p.m. No.5049369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9413

My take on Nancy's paper shuffling:


She was given a copy of the speech early, offered as a sign of good faith, to make her comfortable that POTUS wasn't going to "go there." First part of the speech, she seemed almost smug, sucking her dentures in her usual blithe & arrogant way. After a certain point, though… things changed profoundly.


Her paper-shuffling moments are exactly the points at which he "went there," including the late-term abortion stuff. She literally couldn't even after she realized she'd been had. Nobody blinks that often, not even in a sandstorm.


He made her comfortable & confident by making her think she knew exactly what was going to happen, and she actually somehow fell for it in spite of being the queen of a nest of vipers & used to such tactics. In so doing, he got inside her OODA loop in a major way. And somehow she never saw it coming.


That was the face of a woman who has stepped into a quagmire where she expected solid ground. And it was fucking glorious to see. Wish I'd made popcorn instead of enchiladas tonight.