he didn't say the word "israel" once
he won over everybody in that room
it was a great night for america
we have not yet begun to dream
if your response to the SOTU is anger, bitterness, feelings of divisiveness, race-bating, hackkneed memetics, and other such utterances: you missed the point, or you're paid / programmed to feel that way. POTUS showed he's a wonderful politician. he made liddle adam schitt laugh. he made bernie sanders laugh. he made them get up off their asses and actually feel proud of themselves. he made them feel like they could actually DO the job the people elected them to do. it's their choice to fuck it up, like anybody. why all the rage? why all the bullshit? oh that's right, nobody's are only happy when someone else feels as bad about themselves as they do , nobody's are only happy when they can pull the conversation back into the pit of their own shitty selves. it's whack, and you're a retarded. unlock your imagination. do something interesting for yourself. go dig, find something interesting out, stop vomiting out your self loathing and pathos and calling it knowledge and insight.
it may just have saved all our lives