Anonymous ID: c15eb3 Feb. 6, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.5052775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The shilling LB was quite informative.

Autists paying attention?


Q said "3 letter agencies", "the World" is here.

Q said M0SS0D" is here.


Anti-MAGA PsyOps are begun & telegraphed HERE.

What strategy are {{they}} now telegraphing?


Target children?

Target relationship with children?

Turn children against MAGA fathers?

Attack MAGA at home, through kids & wife?


(How) Do we…







Is there benefit in NOT-reacting, strategically?

What is narrative?

How does one escape a given narrative?

Think choices: Yes, No, "MU"?

Obviating the logic presented by others?

Ignoring presumed/presented consequences?


What is HATE?

Is it "necessary", per God & Evolution?

Can anything deemed necessary be "Bad"?

Who controls childrens' moral groundings?

Who determines how they feel about life?


Possible to IMMUNIZE [children] to {{BS}}?

How about "HATE = HUNGER"?