exactly with a wall that works
there will be no state of emergency… DOD has already found appropriated construction funds not spent… he simply has to order the DOD to construct the wall for national defense… no court challenge… nothing the demonrats can do… locked sealed delivered
but Pelosi has to let the bill hit the floor… that is why it is so imperative that the committee comes out with funding for a physical wall, barrier, fence whatever they want to call it… that is the second part of the trap.. it will be sprung..
no I think the other way around… the media doesn't want to cover the hearing… what is Cohen going to say?… anything he says may add months or years to his sentence or even allow new charges to be filed… he will say absolutely nothing new…
fuckin bullshit… I was stationed in El Paso in 2004 and you were not allowed to go to Juarez… and there certain areas of El Paso you were banned from going…
actually I think the opposite… it will show how far left the demonrats have moved… the demonrats appointed to the committee are what we in the fly over country call blue dogs… it will put all potential 2020 candidates in a fixed position on voting over a certain issue..
while I understand going to El Paso… 1000'?… is the SS going to be able to clear the Mexican side?… is the SS going to trust the Mexican federal police?… can't trust the Juarez police…