Anonymous ID: aea943 Feb. 6, 2019, 9:45 a.m. No.5054880   🗄️.is 🔗kun


is this erica castro from podesta pdf?


Erica Lira Castro Teamed Up With Jill Biden in 2015 to Encourage More Hispanic Americans to Become Teachers

Anonymous ID: aea943 Feb. 6, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.5054956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5051

sir andrew wood from podesta pdf


Sir Andrew Marley Wood GCMG (born 2 January 1940) is a former British diplomat.


Born in Gibraltar, Wood was educated at Ardingly College and King’s College, Cambridge. In 1964, he was posted to Moscow by the British Diplomatic Service. Following a range of diplomatic posts he served as British Ambassador to Yugoslavia from 1985 to 1989. From 1995 to 2000 Wood served as British Ambassador to Russia and Moldova before retiring from diplomatic service.[1]


In addition to diplomatic service, Wood has served on the boards or executive councils of several institutions, including the PBN Company, the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce, the Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust, for which he was director, and the Britain Russia Centre, which he chaired. He has been Senior Advisor to or on the advisory boards of the PBN Company, Ernst & Young, Renaissance Capital, and the British Consultants’ Bureau. He also advised then British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Russian investment issues. He was made GCMG in 2000, having been made KCMG in 1995 and CMG in 1986.[2]


worked in moscow hmm

Anonymous ID: aea943 Feb. 6, 2019, 10 a.m. No.5055051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


jon winer from podesta pdf


Winer, Jonathan › … › Biographies

Jonathan Winer is the State Department’s Special Envoy for Libya and Senior Advisor for MEK Resettlement. At the State Department, Mr. Winer is responsible for developing, coordinating, and implementing U.S. policy on Libya, as well as resettling Iranian persons found to be in need of international protection out of Iraq.



As Winer tells it, he and Steele were old pals. They “met and became friends” in 2009, when both were in the business of selling “business intelligence,” much of it involving Russia. Winer went back to work at State in 2013, after his old Capitol Hill boss, John Kerry, had become secretary of State. But he didn’t lose track of his friend Steele—not at all. He shared, and shared, and shared Steele’s corporate intelligence work with the State Department’s Russia desk. “Over the next two years, I shared more than 100 of Steele’s reports with the Russia experts at the State Department, who continued to find them useful.” (Let’s not speculate about how much it may have been worth to Steele to be able to tell his clients that the materials they were paying for were being regularly consumed by policy-makers in Foggy Bottom.)


pals with steele n kerry n libya n iran

Anonymous ID: aea943 Feb. 6, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.5055296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

looking up erica castro on twat now ive rabbit holed to the escort services. twitter is the new backpage.i bet you could find trafficking here.


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