Prol a good thing these zombies are talking like a faggot huh
13step gestapi homo feltcher zombies that talk like a faggot and have tits
How to sell ice cubes to trannys
Maybe daniel is a radio controlled zombie from that TAvistock pedo cell tower
What if the covenant with death the Jews made sucked a lot of peanut butter from buttholes
But mavet was a Gaylord serial killer
And decades of fractional distillation with TAvistock peanut butter Faggots
Makes it a famewhores on pedogate
Like an annoyance
Or a mockingbird
So it's a chimera mavet faggot that has a tarded face and some tits
Soros worked for the good of the commoners in hindsight peanut butter Econ out of practicality
The lucre curse is old and from France
Idk when they started carveing nickels
The fake Jew zombie powder curse is
From the Prescott bush days and their thrive ing Native American genocide to impress thule judas fehgels
The South Americans dubbed it white spear
The western know it as pale horse
Budhists know it as avicii
Bible says something bout hell on earth and a matrix of sin flesh
The Philadelphia experiment still boggles the mind
The bikini atoll was a mistake