Anonymous ID: 154778 Feb. 6, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.5057156   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is possible that Trump put so much emphasis on denouncing antisemitism for the same reason any leader tries to calm the masses that are prone to mob action. The people perpetrating the shenanigans that have been happening in this country are have an over representation of Jews given their overall representation in the population. Any leader who wants to see justice done knows painting an entire group with the sins of portion means injustice will happen to many, even if a minority of the group (we have no way of knowing what percentage of the group is involved). Even God as portrayed in the Jewish Talmud (and Old Testament) agreed to not burn Sodom and Gomorrah if 10 righteous men could be found. If Trump really does plan to drain the swamp, and people cannot walk down the street because their crimes are known, the journey to 'it all the Jews fault' will be a short one; one that the foundational tenant of 'everyone is equal before the law' can not allow to happen. If Trump does not have that intention or capability, Rachel will once again mourn her children as the intentions of Zionist and Jews alike to dominate the goyim will never stand. Money, political control, and media control are of very little value when societies revert to the reality of physical strength and action.

>>5057040 pb

>>5057064 pb