Anonymous ID: 221105 Feb. 6, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.5057387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7439 >>7554

This is the most difficult part of the movie.


We're all flying blind and it seems like the good guys are the ones taking all the flak.


The perps appear to be walking around scot-free without a care in the world.


Mueller has had 2 years to produce SOMETHING on DJT, has not, yet appears to have no timeline to wrap anything up.


The good R's have been screaming for 18 months to release the fucking FISA docs, to publicly question [RR] and yet nothing comes out of it.


Theoretically, we "have everything" on "stupid" people, and yet there's only been a couple arrests (Harvey and Weiner), and I think Weiner has already been released.


All we have, Anons, is faith. Blind faith.


The main thing that keeps me going is re-reading old crumbs and this one thought: "Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Ohr, etc. have all been fired from high-level positions, and not a single one has protested or tried to defend themselves.


Therefore, their firings must have been justified. If so, that validates a LOT of Q's "predictions" and we're just in the slow part of the plot.


Looks like everything should kick into high gear AFTER Mueller releases his report.


Here's part of a post I made a week ago, and I hope like hell I'm right…



I believe that the stage is being set for Mueller's "announcement" of his findings. MSM, D's and DS have all be set-up with high hopes that Mueller found the goods on DJT to bring upon impeachment proceedings.


Here's the Ultimate Pickle (think lose/lose for DS): If Mueller was digging on POTUS (although I highly doubt it) and impeaches him, that will allow the good guys to legally introduce a TSUNAMI of evidence during discovery. More likely, however, Mueller is going to announce their findings on Russia collusion and it will ALL point to Killary, Slick Willy, CF, DNC, DWS, etc.


The libtards can't freak out, because the "news" will be given to them by their own hero: Robert Mueller!