Anonymous ID: 8da36a Feb. 6, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.5057174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7556

Chip Tatum: New Book ties Attorney General Barr to CIA, Drugs, Noriega


Chip contacted me this week about his new book, The Mule (Amazon link). From the safety of an extradition free country, Chip has gone into his darkest files to publish on William Barr, the former Reagan era facilitator for some of America’s worst abuses and another key figure, Robert Mueller.


Below, an excerpt from Chip’s book:


The General Has To Go


In a 1985 meeting, in Costa Rica, William Barr advised V.P Bush that funds and product were being siphoned off by partners in “The Enterprise”. Bush ordered Barr to find out who was responsible. The Finding was simple. The Clintons were cleared, but Barry Seal and Manual Noriega were the thieves. Vice President Bush was adamant that both Seal and Noriega had to be “taken care of”. His fear of a path leading to the White House and possible impeachment at the minimum resulted in orders for is trusted counsel William Barr to pave the path and find a solution.


Below is a synopsis of the meeting


Who is William Barr


From 1973 to 1977, William Barr was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency. A confidant to DCI GHW Bush, Barr was well trusted and very adept at whatever assignment given by the DCI. Barr was a law clerk to Judge Malcolm Wilkey of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from 1977 through 1978. He served on the domestic policy staff at the Reagan White House from May 3, 1982 to September 5, 1983, with his official title being Deputy Assistant Director for Legal Policy.


As a confidant, V.P. Bush used Barr as unofficial legal counsel for “The Enterprise”. As the result of the 1985 meeting he was well aware of the need to neutralize General Noriega. After all, it was Barr that found the thieves.


Seal was no longer a threat as he was “taken care of” in 1986 by friends of Jeb Bush out of Colombia..

Anonymous ID: 8da36a Feb. 6, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.5057198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7208 >>7306 >>7346 >>7559 >>7775 >>7884 >>7899

Leaked Wikileaks Doc Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons


This “U.S. coup manual,” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, serves as a reminder that the so-called “independence” of such financial institutions as The World Bank and IMF is an illusion and that they are among the many “financial weapons” regularly used by the U.S. government to bend countries to its will.


WASHINGTON – In a leaked military manual on “unconventional warfare” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, the U.S. Army states that major global financial institutions — such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — are used as unconventional, financial “weapons in times of conflict up to and including large-scale general war,” as well as in leveraging “the policies and cooperation of state governments.”


The document, officially titled “Field Manual (FM) 3-05.130, Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare” and originally written in September 2008, was recently highlighted by WikiLeaks on Twitter in light of recent events in Venezuela as well as the years-long, U.S.-led economic siege of that country through sanctions and other means of economic warfare. Though the document has generated new interest in recent days, it had originally been released by WikiLeaks in December 2008 and has been described as the military’s “regime change handbook.”

Anonymous ID: 8da36a Feb. 6, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.5057232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7346 >>7559 >>7775 >>7899

Iran’s president renews call for Middle East free of nukes, other WMDs


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani renews Tehran’s call for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, urging an end to foreign interventions in the region.


“Our slogan is a Middle East free of nuclear weapons and [other] weapons of mass destruction, and we have been standing firm in this regard for more than 40 years,” Rouhani said.


Rouhani made the remarks while delivering a speech to foreign dignitaries and ambassadors in Tehran on Wednesday on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.


“Our slogan is that the presence of foreign troops in the region and their interventions must end,” Rouhani added. “Our slogan is a world free of violence and extremism” as it was stressed in the World Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE) resolution submitted to the UN by Tehran.


In December 2013, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to approve President Rouhani’s WAVE proposal, which called on all nations across the globe to denounce violence and extremism.


Iran’s Ambassador to the UN Gholamali Khoshrou submitted to the world body an updated version of the WAVE in December 2015.


Khoshrou said the consensus on the draft and support for it on the part of various countries indicates that the UN must take immediate action for containing violence and extremism in the world.


Elsewhere in his remarks, Rouhani said that Iran’s foreign policy is based on respecting other countries’ rights while countering any foreign intrusion in its affairs, adding, “Based on this, we do not dominate others and do not accept any domination either.”

Anonymous ID: 8da36a Feb. 6, 2019, 1:17 p.m. No.5057248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7890

Israel’s military bombed his family to death. Now he’s taking the bastards to court


At long last someone is making a move to bring two of the most wanted Israeli war criminals to book. Will you help?


The Ziada family from Gaza was all but wiped out by Israel’s murderous bombardment during the 2014 Operation Protective Edge, when a bomb buried them under three storeys of rubble. Among the dead lay Ismail Ziada’s mother, three brothers, his sister-in-law, a 12-year-old nephew and a visiting friend. Ismail himself happens to be a Dutch citizen resident in the Netherlands, so he wasn’t in Gaza at the time.


And fortunately the Netherlands, unlike the spineless UK, still upholds a system of universal jurisdiction in civil proceedings for its citizens who are unable to gain access to justice elsewhere.


According to an informed source, Ziada hired a lawyer specialising in support for victims of war crimes and human rights violations, and papers were served on the Israeli military’s chief of General Staff at the time of the bombing, Benny Gantz, and the commander of the Israeli air force, Amir Eshel. It was assumed that neither would respond and court proceedings would be conducted in absentia. Surprisingly, Gantz and Eshel both submitted a response claiming immunity and alleging that the Dutch court had no jurisdiction. They argue that Ziada can access justice in Israel. But the recent Israeli court ruling against Dr Izzeldin Abuelaish, who filed for compensation against the Israeli state over the killing of three of his daughters in Israeli army shelling in 2009, nails that lie.

Anonymous ID: 8da36a Feb. 6, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.5057441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7559 >>7775 >>7899

UK to Demolish Skripal's Home as Evidence Mounts That He Poisoned Himself by Accident


"I think it abundantly clear that what we have been told about what took place on 4th March in the beautiful city of Salisbury is not, in fact, true. It is clear that something else happened, and much of what we have seen since then has been theatre and an attempt to cover up what actually took place.”


The British state broadcaster BBC and other media have disclosed that the Salisbury house (lead image) owned by Sergei Skripal is to be partially demolished and rebuilt over the next four months.


A Wiltshire Council notice to residents in the neighbourhood of the Skripal home is the source of the news reports. The January 4 notice, a media briefing by the Wiltshire Council, and a press release by a spokesman at the Ministry of Defence do not say how much of the house will be reconstructed. “We are working with the site owner, Wiltshire Council and other partners to ensure that the house will be fully repaired and returned to a fit state to live in,” the anonymous Defence Ministry official was quoted as saying by the Salisbury Journal.


The British Government, London and Wiltshire police, and media reports have claimed that a fast-acting, lethal nerve agent was administered to the handle of the front-door of the Skripal house eleven months ago, on March 4. The alleged attackers have been identified by Prime Minister Theresa May (lead image, left) as two Russians. No allegation nor evidence has been reported to date that they or their poison penetrated inside the Skripal residence.


Two senior Wiltshire Council officials, Tracy Daszkiewicz, Director of Public Health and Protection, and Alistair Cunningham, coordinator of the recovery programme, were asked to clarify how much of the Skripal house will be replaced. Replying today through spokesman David Perrett, they said “there are no plans to demolish the property at 47 Christie Miller Road. The roof and garage roof are being removed and replaced.”


Because the front-door handle was the sole identified site of the attack, and decontamination has been under way for eleven months, the two officials were asked to explain their reason for the reconstruction.


“Every decontamination site is different”, Perrett responded. “Each one has a tailored decontamination plan. As you would expect this site is more complex than others… we are taking a highly precautionary approach and that is why the clean-up work is so extensive and meticulous. It is vitally important we are thorough on all the sites so that local residents can be fully confident that each one is safe when returned to use.”


Perrett added: “In the more contaminated sites some hard surfaces might be removed.”


Angus Macpherson, the Wiltshire police commissioner, told the press on Monday that Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, who entered the Skripal house on the evening of the poison attack and who was hospitalized later for nerve agent exposure, returned to active duty this week. Bailey has told the BBC he has “lost everything” in his house.

Anonymous ID: 8da36a Feb. 6, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.5057458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7480

The police state goes full Orwellian: Federal court rules no justification needed to place anyone on a “suspicious persons” list


The Left has practically taken over every single institution in America including education, healthcare, entertainment, pop culture and society in general, but it’s not enough: Now they’re coming for the justice system as well.


Granted, Leftists got a huge boost in their efforts to corrupt American jurisprudence from Barack Obama, who oversaw the complete and radical politicization of the Justice Department, the FBI, and the U.S. intelligence community which he weaponized against POTUS Donald Trump via “Spygate,” which you can see in the video below.


Now they’re getting a boost from judicial activists on the federal courts, especially the reliably liberal 9th Circuit, which just ruled that police and law enforcement agencies don’t need a reason to put an innocent American citizen on “suspicious persons” lists.


As noted by MassPrivatei Blog, in late January, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued the ruling, noting that it helps explain how then-President George W. Bush had his administration develop Fusion Centers that began as the “Global War on Terror” was beginning to help identify “suspicious Americans.”


The blog noted:


In October 2007, President George W. Bush issued a National Strategy for Information Sharing concerning terrorism-related information. The Strategy created fusion centers that would ensure Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) were disseminated to and evaluated by appropriate government authorities, and identify requirements to support a unified process for reporting, tracking, and accessing SARs. The nationwide effort to standardize this information sharing was called the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative.”


The ruling by the appeals court says that authorities can consider American citizens suspicious for activities such as taking photos of public art, purchasing a computer, and even engaging in the practice of religion.


Courthouse News Service reported in July 2014 that five men from California filed suit against the Justice Department because they claimed they were put into a counterterrorism database for picture-taking, buying a computer at a Best Buy retail outlet and, for one of them, waiting for his mother at a train station.


The suit was meant to challenge the Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) generated by DoJ, which are part of the National Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative, “in which the federal government encourages state and local law enforcement agencies to collect and report information that may be connected to terrorism” the news service reported. (Related: WHISTLE BLOWERS: Obama’s FBI used NSA surveillance as ‘back door’ to SPY on Americans.)