Anonymous ID: 363845 Feb. 6, 2019, 4:27 p.m. No.5059536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551 >>9864 >>9869 >>9879 >>0022 >>0192

“Largest Land Grab Since 1948” — Israel to Expel 36,000 Palestinians From Negev


According to an Israeli media report, the Israeli government has completed work on a massive, far-reaching plan that would expel an estimated 36,000 Palestinians from “unrecognized” villages in the Negev Desert. If the plan is approved by the Knesset, Israel’s legislative body, its implementation could begin as soon as this year and would take four years to complete. News of the plan was first published by Israel Hayom – Israel’s largest Hebrew-language newspaper, funded by Sheldon Adelson, the top donor to both U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


The plan — compiled by Uri Ariel, Israel’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, and his staff — features the seizure of an estimated 260,00 dunams(64,247 acres) from Palestine’s Bedouins. The size of the territory in question and the high number of Palestinians set to be affected has led some to call the plan the largest “land grab” of Palestinian-inhabited land since 1948, when the state of Israel was founded.


Israel Hayom’s report stated that, per the new plan, the Palestinian villages would be demolished and the ruins of their homes would then become the sites of “national projects,” infrastructure projects, and “security” installations after the forcible “transfer” of the land’s current inhabitants to other “state-approved” settlements such as Tel Sheva, Abu Talul and Umm Batin. The report noted that a major motivation behind the plan’s creation was the transfer of an arms-industry factory from another part of Israel to the Negev, as well as the expansion of the “Trans-Israel Highway” system.


Furthermore, the plan involves calling for a budget increase to boost the presence of law enforcement officials involved in the forcible “transfer” and in the demolition of Palestinian villages.


Rights groups have yet to comment on the newly announced plan targeting Palestinian communities in the Negev. However, Human Rights Watch has previously condemned Israel’s targeting of “unrecognized” Palestinian villages in the region. In 2016, Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of Human Rights Watch’s Middle East and North Africa Division, stated:


“The forcible eviction of Bedouin residents to make way for a new Jewish town would be a blatant and ugly episode of discrimination mirroring Israel’s unlawful settlements. Long after most of the rest of the world has such rejected racist policies, the Israeli government keeps building and razing communities on the basis of religion and ethnicity.”

Anonymous ID: 363845 Feb. 6, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.5059551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9864 >>0022 >>0192


Additional sauce:

Anonymous ID: 363845 Feb. 6, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.5059629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9864 >>0022 >>0192

“A Passionate Attachment”


I predicted three weeks ago that the Senate bill on the Middle East, which was rejected three times while the government was shutdown, would quickly receive cloture by a comfortable margin to end debate and proceed to a full vote in the Senate after the federal bureaucracy reopened. That has proven to be the case. Senate Bill S.1 was approved on January 29th 76 for votes to 22 against. Every Republican voted for it, minus only Rand Paul and Jerry Moran, who did not vote. The Republicans were joined by 25 Democrats, all of whom had previous voted “no” to embarrass the White House over the shutdown. Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer, who has described himself as Israel’s protector in the Senate, switched his vote as did notoriously pro-Israel Senators Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez. The bill must now be passed by the Senate, which is certain to take place, before being sent on to the House of Representatives for its approval, where there will certainly be some limited debate. It then will go to President Donald Trump for his signature.


Readers will recall that S.1 the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019 , sponsored by the singularly ambitious though demonstrably brain dead Senator Marco Rubio from Florida, included $33 billion in guaranteed aid to Israel for the next ten years, an unprecedented gesture to America’s closest ally and best friend in the whole world, as Congress might describe it.


But the legislation also incorporated measures to criminalize criticism of Israel, referred to as the Combating BDS Act of 2019. It has been correctly observed that that portion of the bill is clearly unconstitutional as it limits free speech, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and is considered to be the bedrock of American civil liberties, but there is no guarantee that the Supreme Court will agree if and when the law is contested. Once free expression is abridged for Israel there will be no end to other grievance groups exploiting the precedent to silence criticism and effectively negate the First Amendment.

Anonymous ID: 363845 Feb. 6, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.5059658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The CIA has Attempted to Assassinate 50 Foreign Leaders Including Hugo Chavez


First published by Global Research in March 2013


The late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was warned by Fidel Castro to be careful of a very specific attack, namely a quick jab from an infected needle. Such a warning coming from a leader who has reportedly been the target of CIA assassination plots more than 600 times in over 50 years, was sure to be heeded.


Was the illness of Hugo Chavez a completely deniable assassination by the CIA? William Blum spoke with the VOR’s John Robles and discussed this issue and more.


Robles: I’ve read your Anti-Empire report regarding Hugo Chavez. Can you give us your comments on speculation that he was assassinated by the CIA?


Blum: I cannot prove it of course, but I believe he was. It would be totally in keeping with the entire history of the CIA and its attitude towards people like Hugo Chavez.


The CIA has attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders and successfully at least half the time. And very few of them were as despised by the US government as Chavez was, I would say. So, there would be no reason at all to expect that the CIA would not at least plan on killing, and the nature of his ailment is very odd.


He went from a cancer, which would not go away despite several sessions of chemotherapy and what have you. Then it went to serious lung infections, which would not go away no matter what they did. And then it went to, suddenly, a massive heart attack. All in the same man with no apparent cause, he was only 58-years-old, and as far as we know he was a very healthy until this happened, it is all very odd.


And given the great motivation that the US Government and the persons in the CIA has put for killing a man like Hugo Chavez, I’m pretty sure that the CIA played a role in this.


Robles: Do you know or have you heard of any credible new technology or new programs that could deliver such a cancer?


Blum: The means would be a needle with a quick, sharp jab and what you need is getting one person close enough to Chavez to do that.


Chavez was always in the public eye, he was always embracing people. There must have been countless occasions in the past few years when he was vulnerable to a quick jab by a needle that would be the method of transmitting the ailments.


Robles: Did he ever complain that he had been poked by something in public? Were there any reports of anything like that happening that you had heard about?


Blum: He did mention that Fidel Castro warned him about just that. He said: “A quick jab with a needle, and they’ll do…I don’t know what!” Actually he was told by Fidel.


Robles: A quick jab with a needle. Do you think that happened with Fidel because he had become very ill?


Blum: Well, Fidel…According to Cuban intelligence, there were more than 600 attempts on the life of Fidel Castro by the CIA. There is an entire book on that subject by Cuban intelligence.

Anonymous ID: 363845 Feb. 6, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.5059681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9864 >>0022 >>0192 >>0228

US House Democrats Reopen Russiagate Probe, Send Mueller Dozens of Transcripts


Now that Democrats are in control of the US House of Representatives again, they’ve reopened the House Intelligence Committee’s Russiagate investigation, sending 50 interview transcripts to the Office of Special Counsel and opening a probe into US President Donald Trump’s “financial interests,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced Wednesday.


Schiff told reporters following a Wednesday meeting by the House Intelligence Committee, which he now chairs, that in accordance with promises made after the November 2018 election, the investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election would be reopened. The committee closed the probe in March 2018, back when Republicans controlled the House of Representatives and the committee, declaring it had found "no evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians."


As an opening volley, the committee sent special counsel Robert Mueller, head of an independent agency created to investigate Russiagate, 50 interview transcripts, including talks with the committee by Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.; his son-in-law, Jared Kushner; his longtime spokeswoman, Hope Hicks; and his former bodyguard Keith Schiller, along with dozens of officials from both the Trump and Barack Obama administrations, the Washington Post noted.


Mueller "will now have access to those transcripts for any purpose that will facilitate justice," Schiff told reporters. He noted the Office of the Director of National Intelligence was still reviewing classified material the committee's former chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), requested permission to publish last September. ODNI has said the transcripts may be ready by May or June of this year.