Is it possible that the deputy who did not enter the school to stop the shooting was actually in the position he was supposed to be in? Maybe ordered to be in? Is it possible given what we know that he was the one who was supposed to have killed Nikolas Cruz on his way out of the building? In a conspiracy all loose ends are tied up which in this case they were not. This also makes sense when you consider that the liberal media has tried DAMN hard to make sure that attention is not paid to this kid who supposedly killed 17 children.
I bet this deputy who is now so "ashamed" that he resigned will be shooting himself in the back of the head from 10 feet away soon. Or jumping off of a bridge which seems to be the new way to get Clintoned
LOL I don't know if he did but he is too fucking stupid to breath so it would make sense
Well I hope it is 8th grade or I feel sorry for his dad for having such a sawed off little fucking shill nigger of a son.