Anonymous ID: 113e8d Feb. 6, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.5060291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0561 >>0834 >>0944

How The Tavistock Institute Helped the ADL make the Jews "Victims"


This 4 page breakdown shows how the "anti-Semitism" trope was Created and Propagated by Jews.


*Leon Dinnerstein, the racist propagandist for the anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, reveals that the ADL published various instructions to parents, that they should make sure that their children were aware that a hostile world intended to persecute them.


*The pyschologist who drafted these instructions was Kurt Lewin, a member of the Tavistock Institute. He fled Nazi Germany and arrived in the US in th 1930's.


*In 1944, Rabbi Steven Wise gave more than $1 Million Dollars to the creation of the Group Dynamics division at MIT, headed by Lewin and his team of Tavistock-linked brainwashers, to develop a

Jewish Psychological Warfare Division


*Kurt Lewin is known as the father of social psychology. (also spelled Levin)



Anonymous ID: 113e8d Feb. 6, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.5060384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0413 >>0431 >>0489 >>0561 >>0834 >>0944

Jewish Funded Anti-BDS Groups Targeting US College Students


*This article from Jewish Currents exposes various American Zionist and Israeli groups' Activities to push their Anti-BDS propaganda on US Campuses.


Article in Jewish Currents, Jan. 21, 2019:

Josh Nathan-Kazis, a staff writer at The Jewish Daily Forward for nearly a decade, has published a series of explosive articles over the past half-year looking at some of the most important and poorly understood changes in the fight against BDS on college campuses—

namely, a new, more aggressive approach to taking on critics of Israel.


JNK: So in the summer of 2015, Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban invited donors and Jewish non-profit officials to a conference in Vegas to talk about ways to fund pro-Israel activity on campus and counter BDS. It was about figuring out new strategies and creating a pool of money. What ended up coming out of it is a new organization called the Maccabee Taskforce.


There are differences between the Campus Maccabees and the ICC, but I think what this gets at is it’s a complex landscape of many different campus groups, there’s not one coordinated effort. There are a ton of these groups doing a ton of different things, they have differences sometimes with one another, and they have different donors.






>ISRAEL Agenda: Brainwashing Americans - GET 'EM WHEN THEY'RE YOUNG.


Israel and Zionists Should NOT Be Allowed To Push Their Pro-Israel Agenda On Impressionable American College Students


How is this Legal ??? and yet, the First Senate Bill 2019 is the anti-BDS Bill - Brought to you by our Israel-First Congress Traitors. (who belong in GITMO for Treason)


*A year ago, survivors of Hurricane Harvey in Texas must certify that they won't boycott Israel in a state aid application - OR they would not receive aid.


>If you're OUTRAGED by these Zionists and Israel's Subversion of American Citizens' Freedoms, Please Share this Info with Everyone you know.



