Anonymous ID: 6cd0d7 Feb. 6, 2019, 5:35 p.m. No.5060312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Homo Credulus: "He'll Go Along With Almost Anything"


Man: He’ll go along with just about anything.


Given the right circumstances… a little programing… and enough time for it all to marinate in his soft, mammalian brain… there is almost nothing Homo Credulus will not learn to embrace.


Don’t believe us?


Take a look at the historical record; you’ll soon wonder how we ever got this far.


Sure, you’ll discover gizmos and flying contraptions… art and agriculture… music and mathematics. You’ll witness spectacular scientific breakthroughs, the number “0” and a man’s footprint on the moon. You’ll also find automobiles with so many cup holders, you won’t know where to holster your oversized 7/11 Big Gulp.


But you’ll also scratch you head. Perhaps you’ll even weep. And if you think hard enough, you’ll put a few things to serious question…


“Central banks?” “Modern democracy?” “The Rosie O'Donnell Show?”


How has mankind survived such atrocities? Self inflicted, no less! And why, moreover, does he rush so earnestly to repeat and replay his worst mistakes?


Don’t be too hard on yourself, Dear Reader. After all, repetition is nothing new…


You’ll recall that it was the Greeks who first gave the world democracy – from the Greek, dēmokratía, literally “Rule by 'People'”. (And yes, it was those very same Greeks who put their own beloved Socrates to death… by a majority vote of 140-361.)


Today, democracy is a cherished tenet of “the West.” It is woven into the civic religion, sewn into the social fabric. Men march off eagerly to fight for it, to proselytize it … and to die in forgotten ditches defending it.


At least, that’s what they believe they’re doing. As usual, the poor saps have been duped. Herewith, a little historical context…


The phrase “Making the world safe for democracy” was actually a marketing slogan, coined back in the 1910s, as a way to sell “The Great War” to America. Weary from their own disastrous Civil War just a few decades earlier, in which hundreds of thousands gave up the ghost, Americans were mostly inward looking at the time. That is to say, they wanted little to do with what they largely saw as a “European affair.”


Polls might have indicated no appetite for battle… but the nation’s politicians were nonetheless starved for military misadventure. They sensed big profits abroad, both in manufacturing armaments and making onerous bank loans to foreign lands. Sure, “the nation” would have to fill tank and trench with warm young bodies… but very few soldiers would carry senatorial surnames along with their rifles.


And so, after a public relations campaign of truly epic proportions, America marched off to war… wrapped in the delusion they had freshly been sold.

Anonymous ID: 6cd0d7 Feb. 6, 2019, 5:50 p.m. No.5060489   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mossad guy's really didn't like your post.


To help


Your not supposed to talk about Zionism, Jewish supremacy, Trump's links and blinding support of such, the left right deception and anything that highlights abuses by the Zionist state of ISIS RA EL