Anonymous ID: be88ec Feb. 6, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.5060376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0399

Delta, Coca-Cola apologize for ‘creepy’ napkins after passengers complain

Love might not be in the air for Delta Air Lines and Coca-Cola.


The two brands have reportedly apologized for providing passengers with controversial napkins that encouraged travelers to “write down your [telephone] number and give it to your plane crush.”


The napkins, which featured Diet Coke logos, were printed on one side with the words, “because you’re on a plane full of interesting people and hey… you never know,” and instructions on the other side reading, “be a little old school, write down your number and give it to your plane crush. You never know…”

There were also spaces to write down a telephone number and a name.

Those who saw the napkins were quick to criticize the brand’s attempt at romance.


“Hey @Delta and @CocaCola These napkins are creepy AF. Pretty sure no one appreciated unsolicited phone numbers in the ‘good old days’ and they sure as heck don’t want the number of someone who has been gawking at them on a plane for hours today. Not a good look,” wrote one passenger on Twitter.