Anonymous ID: c761c1 Feb. 6, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.5060915   🗄️.is đź”—kun


CIA deep cover pilot going by the name of Antonio Pastini was blown out of sky—whose true name is Jordan Isaacson, and whom SVR intelligence analysts had previously identified as being one of the CIA pilots who flew stolen Israeli weapons and ammunition to Nevada where they ended up in the possession of CIA arms pilot Stephen Paddock

CIA pilot Jordan Isaacson—who was operating under his deep cover name of Antonio Pastini and was long associated with CIA pilot Stephen Paddock—both of whom were residents of the State of Nevada, and whose frequent flights between Mexico and Chicago-Illinois showed the CIA exchanging guns and ammunition for drugs—and was an arrangement deal worked out between the DEA and the Sinaloa drug cartel—leaving it no wonder why top Mexican government officials publically stated that the CIA manages the drug trade in their country.


Four days after issuing their “Urgent Action Notice”, on 4 February, for increased surveillance on CIA pilot Jordan Isaacson, this report concludes, his plane was blown out of the sky over the Las Angeles suburb of Yorba Linda—and upon whose body was found a Chicago Police Department badge and retirement papers that would have allowed him to land there without being overly searched—and who, for 21-years after retiring and moving from Chicago to Nevada, freely posted to social media and granted media interviews telling of his time being a Chicago policeman—but upon whose death than saw the Chicago Police Department denying he had ever worked for them, and saying that the badge he had was stolen in 1978—with it further to be noted that even as his bombed out plane was still blazing on the ground, a US Navy P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol and surveillance aircraft rushed into the air over Los Angles where it took up a circular flying pattern at 20,000 feet remaining there for hours