Anonymous ID: 76768d Feb. 6, 2019, 7:12 p.m. No.5061507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1667 >>1696

New Mexico Governor to Remove National Guard from Border


Despite pleas from New Mexico ranchers saying they are overrun by Central American migrants, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham ordered the removal of most of her state’s National Guard troops from border security assistance missions.


Governor Lujan Grisham ordered the withdrawal of most of her state’s 118 National Guardsmen who were deployed as part of Operation Guardian Support, KOB4 reported Tuesday night.


“I reject the federal contention that there exists an overwhelming national security crisis at the southern border, along which are some of the safest communities in the country. However, I recognize and appreciate the legitimate concerns of residents and officials in southwestern New Mexico, particularly Hidalgo County, who have asked for our assistance, as migrants and asylum-seekers continue to appear at their doorstep,” the governor said.


Instead of providing additional support to ranchers in the New Mexico Bootheel region, the governor said that some troops could remain in Hidalgo County to “assist with the ongoing humanitarian needs,” the local news outlet reported.


Breitbart News reached out to Hidalgo County Manager Tisha Green for a reaction to the governor’s decision. An immediate response was not available. The county’s chief executive previously stated in a letter to the governor and the state’s two senators, “We feel there is an imminent threat to the safety and welfare of our citizens in Hidalgo County. Resources such as medical, law enforcement and sanitation are amongst those most needed.”


She went on to tell KOB4, “The calls I get from citizens, they state there are people in their backyards, they are seeing several on a daily basis, and people are breaking into their homes, stealing different items. They feel like they are not safe, not protected.”


A rancher in the region reported that migrants kidnapped one of her hands, while others reported armed trespassers.


“We have to get the word out that we have a crisis down here,” rancher Tricia Elrock told reporters from KOB 4 Investigates when they visited the border county of Hidalgo, New Mexico. “The worst part of it, we had an employee kidnapped. And that was probably the worst night of my entire life until we got him back.”


Rancher Randy Massey told the reporters, “We’ve had vehicles stolen.”


“It’s getting to the point where these confrontations are getting more aggressive and more and more violent,” rancher Kris Massey added regarding the current border crisis.


Hildalgo County Sheriff Warren Walter also pleaded for help. “The citizens aren’t protected,” he said. “We need to have more manpower.”


Like many border sheriffs, Walter is understaffed to deal with this type of unprecedented migration of Central American families and minors.


“With my four officers – days off, vacation time, sick leave — we can’t cover 24 hours a day,” the sheriff explained. “We are basically 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. at night. That’s the best I can do. In my honest opinion, that’s not fair to the citizens of the county.”


Nearly one year ago, then-Governor Susana Martinez announced the deployment of 250 national guardsmen to the border region as part of the presidents call for action.


The move by Governor Lujan Grisham comes as President Donald Trump ordered 3,750 additional military forces to the southwestern border, Breitbart News reported.

Anonymous ID: 76768d Feb. 6, 2019, 7:31 p.m. No.5061765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Presidential guest Joshua Trump, bullied for his surname, slept through Donald Trump’s State of the Union address. He woke up a hero


For Joshua Trump, the 11-year-old who shares a last name with a president whose approval ratings don’t quite reach 40 per cent, the past few years have been a nightmare.


Other students bullied the preteen so much over his surname that he had to be home-schooled. His parents told reporters that Joshua was sad all the time – a story that found its way to the ears of the first family, who seated Joshua two seats from Melania Trump during the State of the Union address Tuesday night.


And it is from that vaunted position that Joshua got what appeared to be the best sleep of his life – an open-mouthed snooze uninterrupted by bipartisan applause, flashing cameras, or the oration of the leader of the free world.


Images of him sound asleep quickly went viral on Twitter, where many hailed him as an unlikely talisman of the anti-Trump “resistance” while one wag remarked: “Joshua Trump spoke for all Americans.”


“Joshua Trump is a Trump I can get behind,” quipped another while a third enthused: “Not all heroes wear capes.”


It’s unclear when, exactly, Joshua fell asleep. During President Donald Trump’s 82-minute speech, some camera angles swept over the crowd at select moments where everyone was standing and clapping – except for the blank space where Joshua should have been.


But an alert photographer appeared to catch the unalert preteen. In the photo, he’s sitting next to child cancer survivor Grace Eline, who, it should be noted, is wide-awake. And two seats away is Melania Trump.


The first lady has made combating bullying like the kind Joshua faced one of her main priorities in the White House, the thrust of her “Be Best” initiative.


Forced to endure months of bullying for sharing the same surname as the president, Joshua dropped out of school and told his mother he had lost the will to live.


He says achieving national fame was never his goal and he just wanted to fit in.


“They say are you related to Donald Trump? And I say, ‘Would I be here if I’m related to him?’” the schoolboy told the news site Inside Edition in December.


The constant mockery became so bad that his parents eventually pulled him out of school in 2017 and taught him at home for a year, before re-enrolling him when he was due to start middle school.


His school instructed his teachers not to use his surname any more, and disciplined five students, who apologised to the boy.


In a biography of Joshua, the White House said the sixth-grader is a fan of science, art and history and hopes to pursue a career that has something to do with animals.


Today, he is also well-rested.