Anonymous ID: ae7c07 Feb. 6, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.5061025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1045 >>1048 >>1473 >>1696



More displaced Syrians return home from Jordan camps

SANA’s reporter in Daraa said scores of displaced Syrians, among them children and women, returned on Wednesday from refugee camps in Jordan via Nassib crossing to be transported to their villages and towns, which have been liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army.


Terrorists Blow Syrian Army Checkpoint In Daraa

A new group named “Popular Resistance in Daraa” claimed responsibility for the attack. The group, which emerged last year, says that its operations are a response to the violations of the reconciliation agreement by the Damascus government. (VIDEO) in link


Damascus Announces Large Wave Of Demobilization In Syrian Army

The General Command of the Syrian Arab Army emphasize that the order should be executed starting from 15-2-2019,” the army’s order reads.

Thousands of soldiers will be discharged from military service under the new order, which was a direct result of the recent increase in the number of SAA service members.


Russia Calls on the US to Withdraw Troops From al-Tanf Area

Russian Foreign Ministry at the Joint Commission of Coordination among Russian Ministries and Institutions called on Washington to immediately withdraw its forces from al-Tanf and transfer the supervision of this area to the Syrian government.


Turkish regime transports 1500 terrorists into Idleb

The Turkish regime under Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues its support to the terrorist organizations to keep using them as a card and a tool to achieve its subversive projects in Syria, in violation of its commitments as one of the guarantor states of Astana track.

Hundreds of terrorists were reported to have crossed the Turkish border over the past two days to join Jabhat al-Nusra in Idleb.

According to local sources in the province cited by Sputnik, around 1500 terrorists crossed the Turkish border into Idleb under the cover of the Turkish authorities supported by Turkish agents and directly supervised by the Turkish Gendarmerie (Jandarma) that is affiliated to the Turkish army.

Anonymous ID: ae7c07 Feb. 6, 2019, 6:34 p.m. No.5061045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1473 >>1696



Military Situation In Syria On February 6, 2019 (Map Update)

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces restored encirclement of the ISIS-held area by taking back Baghuz Tahtani;

ISIS attacked Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions near Suwayiyah, near the Iraqi border, in an attemp to break the encirclement;

Militants shelled SAA positions in Basha and Fawru in western Hama;

Intense clashes and artillery duels took place between militants and government forces in the areas of Al-Tamanah and Sukeek in southern idlib;

A car bomb explosion took place in Al-Awasi, Aleppo province;

A large US-led coalition convoy with arms and equipment for the SDF was spotted in Qamishli city.


Foreign Terrorists Publicly Vow To Support Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, represented by its leadership and fighters, is the dignity of Ahl al-Sunnah [followers of the Sunni sect] in Bilad al-Sham [the Levant] … We stand united with it,” the statement reads.


Tehran Is Ready To Mediate Talks Between Damascus & Ankara

We believe that the relations between Ankara and Damascus are in the interest of the region. If both sides ask us to help, we will play the role of the mediator,” Zarif said during an interview with RT on February 6.


Zarif also stressed that only the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is capable of securing the Syrian-Turkish border. The minister went on to say that “an occupation can’t be replaced with another occupation,” in a direct hint to Turkey’s plans to invade northeastern Syria following the upcoming withdrawal of U.S. forces.

“Only Syrian can provide security in those areas, Iran and Russia are ready to help Syria and Turkey reach a solution,” Zarif added.

We are conducting a low-level foreign relation with Syria. Intelligence agencies cannot behave like leaders. Leaders can decide to exclude themselves but can also use intelligence agencies to maintain relations for their own interests … We cannot cut the tie even if it is the enemy. We may need that tie later on,” Erdogan said on February 4, according to Middle East Eye.


Trump: 100% Of ISIS Territory Should Be Liberated Next Week

“It should be formally announced sometime next week that we will have 100 percent of the caliphate … I want to wait for the official word. I don’t want to say it too early,” Trump told ministers with the US-led Coalition during a meeting at the State Department. “Now, as we work with our allies to destroy the remnants of ISIS, it is time to give our brave warriors in Syria a warm welcome home,” Trump said.


Baker 2 part

Anonymous ID: ae7c07 Feb. 6, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.5061072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1085 >>1473 >>1654 >>1696 >>1746

Juan Guaido will open up Venezuelan oil to foreign companies, his US envoy says


An envoy to the US for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó has said the country’s oil reserves would be opened to foreign investors, bolstering suspicions that Washington’s support of Guaidó is oil-dependent.


Guaidó’s representative in Washington, Carlos Vecchio, told Bloomberg that the opposition leader wanted to increase oil production and scrap current requirements that state-owned oil giant PDVSA must keep a controlling stake in joint ventures. Currently, PDVSA must maintain a 51 percent stake in joint projects.


US President Donald Trump threw his support behind Guaidó in January and called on “illegitimate” Maduro to step down after the opposition leader declared himself interim president.


“We want to go to an open economy, we want to increase oil production,” Vecchio said during an interview at Bloomberg’s DC office. “The majority of the oil production that we want to increase will be with the private sector.”


Vecchio’s comments will come as no surprise to analysts who predicted Trump is supporting capitalist Guaidó against socialist Maduro in order to gain access to Venezuela’s vast natural resources for eager American companies.


Vecchio, who attended Trump’s State of the Union speech on Tuesday as a guest of Florida Senator Marco Rubio, also said that Citgo, the US refiner controlled by PDVSA would not file for bankruptcy despite earlier reports, saying it was "not necessary.”


Handing resources to the cabal!