Anonymous ID: 10dce8 Feb. 6, 2019, 9:38 p.m. No.5063160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3207

>>5062470 (pb)

The Air Force needs to be dissolved and reintegrated back into the Army. They operate exclusively in Army theaters. They can only operate from ground controlled by the Army. The other branches mostly handle their own air needs. We can figure out the one-off situations inexpensively.


Why did we ever let the Rothschilds split it into its own branch where it could terrorize the world with secrecy and impunity?


  • Air cargo trafficking of contraband

  • DEW attacks against California

  • Arbitrary drone killings in the Middle East

  • Chemtrail spraying

  • Satellite spying

  • Shall I Go On?


No wonder Trump wants a separate Space Force. The Air Force can never be trusted again. The catch is, how do we make sure the Space Force has checks and balances to prevent it taking up god powers?


And General Joseph L. Lengyel should be investigated and court-martialed if not fired outright. Place your bets he's a pedo too. Hang him upside down by his nuts so his ribbons are right-side up as they should be.