Anonymous ID: fe5b35 Feb. 6, 2019, 9:03 p.m. No.5062784   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2835

Kamala Harris:


“She missed a huge opportunity to play a moderating, statesmanlike role and has already imprinted an image of herself as a ruthless inquisitor that will make it hard for her to pull voters across party lines.”


Elizabeth Warren:


“Screechy Elizabeth Warren has never had a snowball’s chance in hell to appeal beyond upper-middle-class professionals of her glossy stripe.”


Kirsten Gillibrand:


“Kirsten Gillibrand is a wobbly mediocrity.”


Cory Booker:


“Cory Booker has all the gravitas of a cork.”


Andrew Cuomo:


“Andrew Cuomo is a yapping puppy with a long, muddy bullyboy tail.”


Bernie and Biden:


“Both Bernie Sanders (for whom I voted in the 2016 primaries) and Joe Biden (who would have won the election had Obama not cut him off at the knees) are way too old and creaky.”


Hillary Clinton:


As for Hillary, she’s pretty much damaged goods, but her perpetual, sniping, pity-me tour shows no signs of abating. She still has a rabidly loyal following, but it’s hard to imagine her winning the nomination again, with her iron grip on the Democratic National Committee now gone. Still, it’s in her best interest to keep the speculation fires burning. Given how thoroughly she has already sabotaged the rising candidates by hogging the media spotlight, I suspect she wants Trump to win again. I don’t see our stumbling, hacking, shop-worn Evita yielding the spotlight willingly to any younger gal.


When asked if President Trump “governed erratically,” Paglia, the Democrat, said it was just his style.


“It’s partly because as a non-politician he arrived in Washington without the battalion of allies, advisors, and party flacks that a senator or governor would normally accumulate on the long road to the White House. Trump’s administration is basically a one-man operation, with him relying on gut instinct and sometimes madcap improvisation,” Paglia said in the Spectator interview.


“Most Democrats have wildly underestimated Trump from the get-go,” Paglia said, “I was certainly surprised at how easily he mowed down 17 other candidates in the GOP primaries. He represents widespread popular dissatisfaction with politics as usual. Both major US parties are in turmoil and metamorphosis, as their various factions war and realign. The mainstream media’s nonstop assault on Trump has certainly backfired by cementing his outsider status.”



Anonymous ID: fe5b35 Feb. 6, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.5062943   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3014

Chinese rules require foreign firms who want to enter certain industries – such as energy, telecommunications and autos – to form joint ventures with local partners, which often results in the transfer of technology to the Chinese companies.


Beijing also strongly encourages global businesses to carry out R&D activities inside the country.


In the past year, Apple (AAPL) has announced plans to open R&D centers in four Chinese cities. And last month, in order to comply with new cybersecurity rules, it said it was setting up its first iCloud data center in China in partnership with a local firm.


Amazon (AMZN) and Microsoft (MSFT) already have local partners for their cloud computing services in China.


I think the Clintons found a way to bilk the Chinese for technology as they were stealing it anyway. At least they got paid for their info. Not defending the criminals just pointing out that dealing with the Chinese is a losing proposition. They continue to believe they are the center of the universe and the world should pay fealty to them.



Anonymous ID: fe5b35 Feb. 6, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.5063078   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3209

I agree. The surveillance tech they were creating was tailored for communist tastes and they raised their equity by selling our info for marketing. The garchs got their money from the Clintons and CIA. US was heading the way of China.

