Anonymous ID: aef8d9 Feb. 6, 2019, 10:47 p.m. No.5063818   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3842

It gladdened this heart to hear GEOTUS speak so clearly to so many important topics during the SOTU. Calling on us to remember the unlimited potential that we have as a country/civilazation. Reminding all that our STRENGTH comes from being UNITED. The kind of strength that was required to launch the CRUSADE to FREE the world from TYRANNY last time. Painting a picture with elequence of AMERICA's historic pre-emminance in science and technology; driving the whole world over new horizons in EVERY arena.


Bringing attention to how AMERICA opened up opportunites for the middle class, not just at home, but WORLDWIDE. Outlining a vision; raising the bar again; GREATNESS. Again, empowering/uplifting not just us here in the States, but everywhere. Hitting, strongly, on those things that regular, everyday folks, care about most. Jobs. Health. Security.


Who didn't notice that those backed by the Establishment/Cabal just sat and scowled through it ALL? Even those things that THEY "promise" to fight for, jobs(meh), lower health care costs(meh), eliminating illegal, job stealing, wage slashing immigration(meh), blocking the flow of illicit drugs that kill so many(meh), stamping out the scourge of human/sex trafficing(meh)… The loony feminazis did a little dance…because THEY have jobs…that was about it…


AMERICA is experiencing the greatest period of expansion in history. We're no long held hostage to energy producers that HATE US. We're no longer required to buy substandard materials from OVERSEAS, CORRUPT, Establisment/Cabal owned/run businesses. We're getting relief from the strangling beauracracy of redtape, whose sole purpose was to enrich the FEW at the expense of ALL.


Quite the pattern. The stark contrast between the ELITES/ESTABLISHMENT/CABAL and us REGULAR people has never been more CLEAR.

Mr. President, your leadership, with the help of countless individual PATRIOTS, has made this happen. This PATRIOT salutes your efforts and all that STAND with you in this FIGHT.



With all due respect, Sir, you missed the mark on one thing that can't go unmentioned.

"I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion," is attempting to compromise with people that are simply inhuman.

"Right spirit, wrong idea, though", best describes these words on the unborn. Allow this one to explain.


Spouseanon has a friend that had a troubled pregnancy. She ended up giving birth way too early. The child was delivered at only 25 weeks into the pregancy. Because of the grit that kid has, and the medical support the family has recieved, that child is now getting ready to start school.

If those same people were subjected to an MS-13 ritualistic murder, before that child was born, those animals would have caught 2 murder charges. RIGHTLY by ANY standard. But. If some BRAINWASHED NPC decided, "meh, I don't feel like being a Mom today", she could go down to Planned MurderHood. Pay to have that child chopped up (just like MS-13). Planned MurderHood would then turn around and SELL that murdered PERSON's parts for "research". But not until they collected money from the Government that WE pay taxes to…(only to then turn around and fill the campaign coffers of the ESTABLISHMENT/CABAL stooges).


That very thing happens to ~8300, viable babies (able to survive outside the womb) every YEAR! Chopped up and sold for parts like a stolen car…and WE PAY FOR IT!?! Over 630,000 pregnancies a year are ended by Planned Murderhood. That is equivalent to ending the populations of Belleview, Washington; Springfield, Illinois; Lansing, Michigan; Hartford, Connecticut and Topeka, Kansas combined. At what point is enough enough?


We don't need a NEW law saying that something like this is ILLEGAL. Where exactly does it say that it is LEGAL? If it's illegal for some EVIL worshipping MONSTERS to chop a baby up, in utero, how can a "doctor" nonchalantly pick up a pay check for doing the SAME thing? The picture is already crystal CLEAR that THEY don't care for the lives of ANY… How much more clarity is required?


How many more INNOCENTS must be SACRIFICED, in the run up to the FIGHT against the ULTIMATE EVIL; "acceptable, collateral damage"? Trying to save the World; yes. War is a terrible, ugly, brutal thing; yes. These unborn casualties have only US to STAND for them. "Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life.  And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth:  all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God." THIS, Sir. These INNOCENTS didn't enlist in the fight. The ELITES/ESTABLISHMENT/CABAL sure as HELL did. When are THEY going to start to feel some WRATH, instead of frickin BABIES? Liberty and Justice for ALL, Sir.



Murdered babies are FOREVER.

Do the RIGHT thing.

Be Worthy.